a day to remember

273 7 3

*Few days after the  Announcement of Mukago pregnancy

(Machi) thank you for paying the wedding muzan kibutsuji🥺

(Muzan) yeah yeah you  Forced me remember

(Machi) NO you did out the kindness of your heart right ^^💢


*daki with the girls getting ready

*Kaigaku with kokushibou and gyutaro and douma

*Kaigaku SCARED for his well being

(Douma and gyutaro) *there weapons out ....    if you ever hurt her or make her cry or break her heart I we will kill you and make you  feel pain do you understand

(Kaigaku) yes sir  *Trembling

(Kokushibou) y'all lighten up its his big day

(Kaigaku) yeah lighten u-

(Kokushibou) son be quite

(Douma) did you call him your son

(Kokushibou) and?

(Gyutaro) I make sure to tell daki

(I don't have a idea for daki and the girls for two reason 1 I'm a boy and I really have no idea what I am even doing with this book🥲 and 2 I'm a boy that's really all)

*Kokushibou standing behind Kaigaku and hantengu and Gyokko

*Gyutaro and douma walking down daki down the  aisle

(Gyutaro mind she finally getting married mh my little sister is all grown up she be in good hands I know it )

(etc etc)

Muzan you may kiss the groom

*Kaigaku and daki kiss

*the after party starts

(Daki) CAKE 🥺🥺🥺

(Muzan) that cake cost me 10,000 dollars 🥲

(Machi) And there nothing wrong with spending it right^^


*Daki literally eating lot of cake

(Kaigaku) mh slow it down on the cake okay dear^^?

(Daki) okay peach boy ^^

(Kokushibou) mh I missed that

(Nakime) that will be us one day

(Kokushibou) huh?

(Nakime) nothing ^^

*Gyutaro little upset to see his sister grown up

Mukago I'm going on a walk dear care to come?

(Gyutaro) I'm good dear

(Mukago) k Nakime?

(Nakime) sure

(Mukago) thank you

*They start to leave

(Daki) I be right back dear I'm going to follow the girls I be back

(Kaigaku) be back soon^^*slowly eating

*Iguro and mitsuri in the woods

Iguro it's a lovely night

(Mitsuri) yes yes it is the moon is lovely Iguro isn't


(Mitsuri) Iguro

(Iguro) mh?

(Mitsuri) pls take off your  Bandages or mask

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