Part two of big news

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When we arrived in Asgard I took lia to the place where we would be training. Today's lesson is blocking attacks. Lia will have to use her powers to block an attack from an enemy, if she can do that then she can protect herself during battle. Dad created a burst of magic towards her and Lia shot out a vine from her hand and blocked it, father and Lia kept doing that for a while until her attack patterns were perfect. When she was done with her lessons we had dinner in Asgard and we stayed for the night, the next morning we will head back to Midgard because I have some hero work I need to do as I got a call from the shield that I was needed at the avengers base.

I showed Sylvie her room and then I went to mine, I took out my favorite book and started reading, I loved adventure stories that the Midgardian writers have written, they seem so real yet they aren't, although most people believe that Norse gods aren't real and that they are completely made up but they are wrong as my father and my uncle are real and as a shock to the humans when a guy with lightning powers turns out to be an old Norse god, no offense to uncle Thor although he isn't that old, He's only 30 in human years although his age is in the 1000s range.

One good thing about having magic is being able to secretly use it for your own advantage, I remember when this girl in school had tried to attack me because I apparently talked to her crush, although she didn't know I had a boyfriend. I used my magic to stop her punches and then I tripped her. She didn't even see that coming. She was so shocked she sat there looking confused. I didn't want people to find out about my powers that I don't trust because once that gets out it won't be good.

Sitting on my bed I thought about that day and smiled knowing I had bested someone in a fight , I didn't tell Lia about it because she can tend to be a little overprotective, although she knows I have powers and can protect myself. I have since paid my share of the bills for the apartment. I blew out the candles and fell asleep drifting off into a dreamless slumber so I thought.

I opened my eyes and I was on some sort of battlefield I look to my left and saw women on pegasuses fighting, looked to see who they were fighting, the men had swords. I tried to talk to one of them but nobody noticed me. I looked to my left and saw my mother fighting alongside them leading them. Then all of a sudden she was shot down. NOOOO! I screamed and woke up. Above me was lia shaking me say Slyvie are you ok, I was walking by your room and heard screaming. I'm fine, I had a bad dream, I hugged her and told her to get ready because were going back to Midgard today.

I wonder if that's what happened to my mother, did she really die, or am I missing a clue that I've been longing to find out? I wonder if father would know or maybe Odin but I'm sure Odin will not tell me anything about where she is or what happened.

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