Finding Love

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Zenith wakes up in his dormitory with a smile. He never wakes up with a sad expression, he is always enthusiastic and ready for what the world will throw at him. Zenith is going to the park with his brother, Jazyel. He was very close to his brother, they were inseparable. Zenith was just reading, waiting until they had to go. He was reading, As the roses fell and tears trailed, the man of the field looked down the road, he rose to find a girl in shined with the blistering su-. He was interrupted with knocks on his door. He went over to open it, it was his brother.

"You ready little bro?" Jazyel asked Zenith with a shining smile. "Sure am!" Zenith said embracing his brother with a hug. Zenith then pushed away and looked behind Jazyel to find a girl standing behind him. "And this is?" Zenith asked shaking her hand. "Oh this is Kayt, she's my girlfriend." Jazyel introduced. Zenith suddenly froze for a few seconds, 'G-Girlfriend...? But that means that he will probably not talk to me as much' Negative thoughts and negative feelings rushed Zenith's mind. He couldn't think of one thing without another trying to intrude. "Zen? Ready?" Jazyel said breaking his meditation state. "Y-Yeah Jaz" Zenith said escaping his fogged mind. Zenith put his hoodie on due to the fact that it was literally 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It was snowing season. Zenith's favorite season. Zenith had a deep love for his brother, not in a romantic way or anything, but he had been close to his brother ever since their parents got a divorce.

Zenith felt like a knife just stabbed his fragile heart, breaking it instantly. Jazyel and Kayt were speaking and conversing of the most random thing, catching each other in a hug or a kiss constantly. Zenith was behind the wheel. The gas trailing behind Zeniths car. He felt a pain deep inside his heart, as if he had lost his whole life to some girl that he doesn't even know. Zenith was just a bit hurt but on the other hand, he was happy that his brother had a warm smile and that he had the most joyous of smiles. He wanted to cry but he couldn't or he would look like a fool in front of his brother and his girlfriend. Zenith parked and said "Guys go on ahead, I'll be right there!" The two opened the doors and shut them closed.

Zenith was about to have a mental breakdown but he toughed through it. He got out the car with the slam of the door rang through his ears like a bell. He was walking around when something caught his eye. A Labrador walking around, he felt his heart skip a beat. He stared at him and then the Lab caught on. He walked over to Zenith and said "Hello, sorry for the random conversation that I am about to start but I couldn't help but see you staring at me.. My name is Evo by the way!" The Lab said shaking Zenith's hand. "Oh it's nothing I haven't experienced before, also nice to meet you, my name is Zenith.." Zenith replied as he felt his heart race. Evo started talking about something and Zenith just stood there looking at him, admiring his beautiful eyes. They both sat down on a bench. Evo couldn't resist the urge to lose himself in Zenith's eyes as well.

The two guys stared into each other, they didn't even notice. "Zenith... I am very sorry but I have to go.. here is my number!" He typed his number in Zenith's phone. Evo left and Zenith jumped "EURIKA!" He jumped up and down. He was glad that he just spoke to his newly found crush. He felt his heart slowly rebuilding itself, healing from the pain that Jazyel caused with no intention. The sun began to set. The three went back home but this time Zenith had the biggest, most cutest smile. Jazyel was going to ask Zenith why he had a big smile once Kayt left. Zenith was more than happy, in fact he had never experienced this level of enthusiasm. They arrived at Zenith's dorm and Kayt left. The engine starting, it filled the whole parking lot. "Zenith! I couldn't help but wonder, why were you so happy on the ride home?" Jazyel started. Zenith was a bit disturbed by the question, he wanted to tell his brother he liked a guy but... Zenith thought that Jazyel wouldn't like him anymore because he was gay.

He simply replied with "Nothing, I just saw something that'll warm my soul forever." Jazyel squinted his eyes in a confused look. "Ookay" He said with an unclear tone. Zenith wanted to call Evo already but, he thought it would be a bit too early, so he didn't. Zenith felt his eyelids getting heavy, his voice drowsy, and his body weakened. Jazyel watched his little brother pass out on the floor. The thud filled up the inaudible room. 'Hmm well.... Gotta get this guy bed.." Jazyel thought.

Jazyel did like his brother, in a somewhat romantic way, but that would be weird. 'Like brother and brother, no way in hell could you find something so absurd' He thought to himself as he looked at Zenith's weary body unconscious. The night was as dark as space, quiet as if they had gone mute in a TV. The night was peaceful, Jazyel went to sleep while Zenith on the other hand awoke and began watching YouTube. Zenith looked at his brother and he wondered 'He always told me he was bisexual but...' Zenith was a bit jealous. He didn't want Jazyel to date Kayt but he saw that he was happy with her so he didn't want to ruin their relationship. Jazyel seemed happy with her so he didn't do anything. He simply smiled it off. He had his head phones on and he listened to music. He looked at the ceiling, thinking of Evo, his beautiful eyes, and his body. 'Hmm... soon.. Evo....' Zenith thought.

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