Sonic & Tails - "Gump"

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Sonic stretched his arms above his head, refreshed by the cool morning air and the rising sun kissing the world in warmth. The only thing that could've downplayed the perfection of the morning was the dew that had clung to his shoes, soaking through the cloth during his run and threatening to invade the warmth of his cottony socks.

He shook his shoes off, jogging forward as the tree line broke to display a cozy cottage and a large garage that opened onto a landing strip.

A smile curved his muzzle.


He burst through the door, his smile shifting to a broad grin. The lights were out, but the sun was up just enough that its golden light had begun to stream in through the windows. Illuminating the comfortable quarters.

Sonic didn't know if Tails was up yet. But whether he was or not decided, in his elevated mood, to start making breakfast. Pancakes sounded good.

Dashing into the kitchen he flicked on the lights and it wasn't long before he'd made a happy mess of the culinary equipment. He knew, to some degree, how to cook. He just liked to try and do it quickly, often leaving himself and the kitchen a jumbled mess.

The powder covered counter and the batter clinging to the cupboards and his fur didn't deter his good mood though. He whistled a light hearted tune, his foot tapping the floor in rhythm with an imaginary beat as he mixed more of the batter.

A low creak from the other room made Sonic's ear twitch. He leaned back to look out the kitchen archway to see Tails groggily stepping through the door that lead to the garage.

The fox's eyelids hung heavy over his shimmery blue eyes, dark circles accenting underneath them. One ear was tilted to the side, while the other was half heartedly held upright, his posture was hunched as if heavy weights were hanging from his shoulders. Everything about the kit screamed 'exhausted', and when his muzzle opened in a wide yawn it only further proved the fact. One of the fox's gloved hands came up to rub his tired eyes, the other hand wrapped around the handle of a coffee mug.

Sonic would have scolded him, since the fox had obviously ignored his only rule to go to bed BEFORE one AM, but his good mood only allowed for a smug tickle in his chest. Which usually prompted some form of teasing from the hedgehog.

Sonic smirked, "Well. Good morning Mr. Droopy. Care to join me for breakfast?"

A tired, "Mmmhmm.." was his only audible response.

Sonic continued his happy whistling, peeking coyly at his younger brother as said fox dragged himself to the counter and plopped down on one of the stools. A heavy sigh escaped his tiny body as he rested his chin on one hand, eyes barely cracked open.

"Well, I was hoping we could spend today hanging out! Head to the city, see some sights, maybe stop by the arcade," Sonic teased.

At these words Tails miraculously found enough energy to sit up straighter and perk his ears. His free hand continued to rub the sleepiness from his eyes as he tried hard to wake up.

"We can still do that Sonic," Tails insisted, just before another long yawn overtook him.

Sonic smirked. "You sure?"

Back to a slumped state Tails shook his head, "Yeah, yeah I'm sure. Just gotta get some gump."

Sonic snorted back a laugh. He gave his two tailed brother a cheeky grin. "Gump?"

Tails let out a strange giggle that would've never come from him if he'd had enough sleep.

"Gump," he mused sleepily. A silly smile on his muzzle as he stared down at his coffee mug.

Sonic quirked an eyebrow, still grinning, "You mean 'gumption'?"

"Gumption," Tails murmured, another goofy giggle making its way past his throat. "I can't get that far, I haven't drank enough."

He tilted the mug upside down as if to prove his point when nothing spilled out.

Sonic barked out a laugh and snatched the mug from him.

"Okay okay, I'll get you some more coffee."

~ Fin ~


My Mom and I work a seasonal job at an office. One morning she was particularly tired and while setting up the front, her and I had a very interesting conversation..

~ Original Quote ~

"Just to get some Gump."


"*silly laugh* Gump."

"You mean Gumption?"

"Gumption. I can't get that far, I haven't drank enough."

~ My Mom and I ~

(And yes- she was referring to coffee)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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