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-After school- 

As Felix walked to his destination he thought about the heedless actions of the older. The multiple times he disregarded his feelings. Every time he opened his mouth with others around he left Felix on the verge of tears with his baseness.

He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in and wiped the tears off his face before gathering the courage to walk into the practice room. He opened the door only to see an empty room.

The blonde smiled to himself and prepared to walk out. "Lix?",a voice called. Felix instantly froze and looked down slowly. He felt his heart stop before he cursed to himself silently and turned around. The younger one didn't respond, he just put his bag down and began stretching.

The boy stood in the corner nervously before deciding he should stretch too. After they finished Felix grabbed his phone. "What song did you pick?" he asked not even sparing the other a glance. Chan picked at his fingers and mumbled the song name.

Felix looked at him quickly with a shocked expression. "It's group dance?" he asked. Chan nodded. Felix huffed as he fell onto the bench and searched for it. He watched the video and nodded as he replicated the hand movements.

He saw the fluid movements of the dancer and gained confidence before standing up. He connected his phone to the speaker and played it. He mumbled to himself trying to remember the steps and when the part came he began to move. Chan watched as the younger moved with the same fluidity as the dancer. His moves are sharp and perfect.

When Felix finished Chan clapped and smiled softly. The blonde just stood with his hands on his hips as he looked at him through the mirror.

"Come on", he said with an expressionless face. Chan got up and walked to where he was standing. The two practiced the dance 2 times to see the parts Chan missed and Felix easily helped him correct them.

"You should be getting an A for sure. I did it perfectly, so should you", Felix said, disconnecting his phone and going to sit on the bench. Chan nodded and walked to his bag. "Here",he mumbled, tossing Felix a water bottle. The younger one caught it and just stared at him with confusion.

He grabbed his water bottle and waved it a bit. "Thanks anyways though", he mumbled looking back at his phone. He wasn't really doing anything on it; he just wanted to distract himself from the awkward silence.

"Felix",Chan called out suddenly. The blonde sighed and closed his phone as he looked towards him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why?", he asked. "Why did you do it?"he asked, trying to stop his voice from breaking. Chan stuttered a bit, "I'm sorry".

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Chan!", he yelled. "You're a horrible person", he went on, causing his voice to crack. "I know. "Chan began. "I was just scared. I just thought everyone would hate me.

I miss you being my best friend Felix." he admitted. "You'll just make fun of me again. Talk behind my back like you always did. I don't need you." he said.

He kept talking and trying to convince himself that Chan couldn't be forgiven. "I don't have a good reason for doing what I did. Felix, I was just scared and confused. I'm sorry." he explained. "Really?"Felix asked, looking up with a little bit of hope in his eyes.

"Yes, I am truly sorry. You didn't deserve any of that",Chan told him, still looking away. Felix sighed," I know you're telling the truth because you're looking away.", he began laughing dryly looking at the ceiling. He licked his teeth and stared directly at Chan. "I just can't comprehend it though.

You talked to me for years, hugged me, comforted me when you knew I was struggling with insecurity. You held me up so high only to drop me whenever someone was around. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?" he asked as tears fell down his face.

Chan looked down as tears fell from him too. "I'll never break your heart again." he told him truthfully. "I know you won't", Felix said, grabbing his phone and his bag.

"We are barely on speaking terms. You can't touch me, you can't come over to hang out and we can't be how we were before..",he explained. "At least not yet. We were supposed to stick together and you betrayed my trust and you know I don't give it easily. "he went on.

He stood next to Chan and looked down. "You have to earn it back", he mumbled. He stood up a bit and kissed Chan lightly on the cheek.

"Never do it again", he said softly before walking out of the room. Chan sniffled and smiled a bit hoping he would gain the boy's trust again.


Hope you liked this. It was for a short story vocabulary assignment in literature

THE TEACHER GAVE ME NO FEEDBACK..so I hope you guys can 

I didnt want to make it seem like a ff but now rereading it... IT LOOKS LIKE A FANFIC but I doubt she knows them so it's not too obvious. 

Anyways thank you Stays thank you Baby Stays <3 

Have a good day/night 

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