beach trip 8

77 1 2

Don't play song until told to

Georges pov
The next morning

I grab my phone and run downstairs with everyone else. "Finally your done George" dream smirked, "yea yea whatever" I place down my bag that held a couple clothes to change into and some snacks. "Is everyone ready" I said as I sat down on the couch.

"Waiting for sapnap" dream sat next to me and Karl was sitting on the other end of the couch watching tik tok. 20 minutes later sapnap comes downstairs finally, " took you long enough" dream walked over towards him giving him a fist bump. "Alright let's hit the road" me and karl both sat up and headed outside and into the car, I sat in the passenger seat while karl sat in the back seat. Dream and sapnap shortly came our afterwards "Dream your driving" sapnap snickerd.

"Yea yea whatever" dream groaned and got into the car. "Is everyone sure they didn't forget anything" We all nodded and dream started the car, "what do you guys wanna listen to"

"SWEATER WEATHER" Karl shrieked.

Play song here

"Jeez okay" Dream turned the song on and karl and sapnap began to sing along. I laughed at them and their horrible singing, I could see a smirk on dreams face. My heart fluttered.. I stared at his lips imagining they were on mines. "George? Do I have something on my face" dream smirked, "w-what?" I shook out of my thoughts.

"Your staring darling" I blushed at the name, "no I'm not you idiot" I turned around and stared out the window while listening to the song. Dream smiled and placed his hand on my thigh, my heart jumped out my body HIS HAND IS ON MY THIGH OMG OMG OMG WHAT DO I DO???

My mind raced with millions of thoughts until dream squeezed my thigh. That's when I lost it, I could feel my face start to blush red. This is gonna be a long car ride...

Karl and sapnap continued to sing loudly as they laughed inbetwen lyrics. Dream rolled down the windows and they stuck their heads out like dogs. The wind felt amazing in my hair, I turned around to stare at dream he looks gorgeous, his hair flying in the wind, him smiling and lip syncing the lyrics. He's just perfect!

End song
20 mins later

We finally arrived at the beach and I was a blushing mess, I got out the car and tried to calm down as karl laughed at me. "What are they laughing about?" I could hear dream ask sapnap. Sapnap looked at me and smirked "no idea"

I eventually calmed down and we all walked down to the sand and set everything up. I took off my shirt and started to walk towards the water then karl chased after me and started to talk about sapnap AGAIN.

"OK so do you think sapnap likes me back??" Karl frowned "yes karl." I groaned "you asked me this atleast a thousand times" I snickerd

"Yea because I don't wanna confess to him then he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore! And we had a moment last night.." I stopped and stared at karl. " you had a moment?!? What type of moment?" I sat down in the sand as baby waves wet us every couple of seconds "so I was on his lap and I felt like we were about to kiss!!" Karl smiled " were on his lap?!?"

Before karl could respond dream picked me up and carried me towards the water "Hey! I was having a conversation until you rudely interrupted me!" Dream smiled and threw me into the water "DREAAMMM" I got up and jumped onto dream to get him into the water,  we both came up for air and started to laugh.

Sapnap and karl both came running into the water and dived in. "Ooo nice dive karl!" Dream called out

"Nah my dive was 100% better then karls" Sapnap rolled his eyes at dream. "If that helps you sleep at night my love" we all looked over at karl "your what?!" Dream wheeled

"W-wait I DIDNT MEAN MY LOVE I MEANT LIKE MY FRIEND YOU KNOW HAHA." Karl started to blush, me and Dream laughed at Karl's 'mistake' but sapnap went quiet.. he was also blushing.

I swam over to sapnap and whisperd in his ears."Do you like karl?"
"W-what No!" Sapnap looked down at the water frantically. "It's ok if you do"
Sapnap looked up at karl who was throwing sand at dream while doing his dolphin laugh. "He's so beautiful.." sapnap whisperd

"Tell him how you feel, he may like you back"

I wanted to tell sapnap karl liked him back but I don't wanna ruin the suprise. I smiled and swam over to dream, "wanna get some ice cream?" Dream asks me

"Uh..sure!" We both got out the water and walked over to the ice cream truck. "Hello what would you like!" The nice lady with sliky blonde hair asked us. "I'll take a chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles"

Dream always orders the same thing everytime we get ice cream. "Ok and how about you!"

"Oh- I'll take a strawberry ice cream" I smiled "Alright!" The kind lady turned around and started to make our ice cream. "So..can we talk?" Dream said in a shaky voice, "oh, sure"

The lady handed us our ice cream and dream handed her the money. "Have a good day you two" we both smiled at her and walked away, "let's go over there by the rocks"

We both walked over to the rocks and behind one of them so no one could see us. " I don't know how to start" I could feel my heart begin to beat faster

"what do u need to talk about?" - g
My feelings...for you" - d
"W-what do you mean" - g
"My feelings have changed" - d
"I always thought of you as a friend but now" -d
"Do you not like me anymore?.." - g
"No! I do like you..but I don't think as a friend" -d
"I don't understand.." - g
"George I like you, I like you so much! Everytime I'm with you I feel at home and I feel safe. I wanna spend every moment of my day with you. I want to grow old with you and have kids with you you. you make me so happy and I hope I make you happy too. If you don't feel the same way then I'm hoping we can still be friends.." - d

Words- 1044

My best friend. DNFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang