Chapter 4: Dragon learning

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Hiccup! That scrawny little fishbone is actually holding his own better than me? Yeah that makes sense... I mean he is the smartest in the village and the only other Blacksmith aswell as being the heir to the throne... Yeah nevermind it makes total sense hes doing a bit better.


I wonder how Hiccup is doing so well? It kinda makes him hot~. I mean Hiccup wouldn't be a bad boyfriend if he wasn't all... him. I wonder if what he said about the Nightfury was true?


Hiccup is doing so well! I wonder if he got special training or something? Hiccups got like +3 speed on most. He seems stronger than he looks, afterall he did knock a Gronckles head to the side with a shield bash.


I wonder how strong Hiccup really is? He seems to outspeed and even overpower lots of us... Hes ridiculously smart and probably stronger than average from working in the forge, not to mention his lack of mass makes him very light on his feet.


Hiccup! That son of a dung eating slimeball! Hes trying to one-up me! I've always been behind and now even when I should pull ahead of the rest i'm still just shoved to the side and left in the dirt... In Hiccups shadow... How? How does this scrawny little fishbone think he can overshadow the best warrior of the teenagers!? He can't!

Hiccup P.O.V.

I'm getting stares from everyone... I hate it. The only thing I ever wanted was to be in the spotlight, but now that I am I see how stressful it is. If I fail I'll be abandoned and thrown away like trash just as before. I need to track the Nightfury down now. Yeah, thats what I'll do.
I followed its trail to a cove and saw something on the ground, I picked it up and saw that it was a scale. As I touched it a roar erupted nearby and I saw the Nightfury clambering on the wall beside me. It soon fell back down and glided slightly before landing on the ground. I quickly pulled out my book and pen and started drawing it. As I finished I looked back to where it was... Why wasn't it flying away? I then noticed the missing tailfin and realized what it was. It can't stay steady enough to properly fly with just one tailfin. The weight of my actions began to weigh on me and my arms sagged, I dropped the pen. I tried to grab it but it was already over the edge and had colided with the ground. It was then that the Nightfury noticed me. It stared at me with its large green eyes, I didn't notice those before. It got up and roared at me slightly which I took as a cue to run away.
I walked through the large doors of the great hall and made my way to where they were serving food. I didn't even bother trying to sit with the other teens, they'd just insult me anyway.

Astrid P.O.V.

Hiccup walked into the hall much later than the rest of us. He seemed tired and had some twigs and small rocks stuck in his pelt jacket. He was in the woods, and he was probably doing some secret training alone. He probably sees himself as so high and might! Frickin born with, and given everything he could ever need but still he is the village screw up! I swear... I'll surpass that sly little twig shaped troll child!

Snotlout P.O.V.

Oh great! Hiccups here... Why is he such a mess? Oh wait! He always is... Hopefully he doesn't hurt himself to seriously like the screw-up he is.

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