Chapter 16

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Agnetha woke up by the sound of the alarm clock ringing. It was 06:45 pm. She remains lying in bed with closed eyes for another five till ten minutes.

She was almost falling asleep again but was being interrupted by a screaming child. 

When she entered Christians room found she her six year old daughter standing next to her little brothers crib trying to calm the screaming boy down: "Please be quiet. You will wake Mama."

"I don't deserve those two. They are so adorable.", thought Agnetha by the sight of her two children.

"I'm sorry we woke you.", said Linda once she saw her mother.

The way the little girl said that gave Agnetha a flashback to Lindas birthday three weeks before. 

Agnetha woke up when she felt someone cuddle next to her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Linda next to her.

"I'm sorry, Mama. It wasn't my intention to wake you.", apologized Linda, seeing her mother awake.

"It's fine.", answered Agnetha, laying an arm around her daughter. "Happy Birthday sweetheart. I love you. You mean so much to me."

"I love you too."

"How about taking your brother and cuddling before we stand up.", suggested Agnetha.

"Only if I get pancakes and hot chocolate for breakfast."

"Whatever you want.", Agnetha stood up and walked to her sons room.

An hour later were Agnetha, Linda and Christian sitting at the breakfast table. Agnetha had made pancakes just as Linda wanted.

"What do you want to do today?", asked Agnetha her daughter. Before that could answer interrupted the phone them.

"Hello?", she answered the phone.

"Hello, Anna. Can you give me our daughter?", asked Björn on the other side of the line.

"Sure, hang on.", Agnetha took the phone down and shouted then: "Linda, angel! It's Papa."

Even though Agnetha had covered the microphone could Björn still understand what she was saying. "She is such a good mother. Why did I let her go?", answered Björn himself.

"Papa?", squealed his daughters voice out of the speaker.

"Don't be so loud. Happy Birthday sweetheart. How are you? And what are you going to do today?"

"Fine. I'm super! How about going to the park? The four of us?", suggested Linda with hope in her voice.

"I don't know. How about your mother. You have to ask her.", deep inside hoped Björn that he could spend the day as a family again. Not as two people who were once married but now nearly divorced with children.

"Mama! Papa want's to speak with you!", screamed Linda before saying to Björn over the phone: "Ask her. Pleeaasee."

After Agnetha picked up the phone and before she could say anything started Björn to speak: "It was her idea."

"What idea?", asked Agnetha confused. Oh, how he missed that voice.

"Your daughter suggested we could spend the day at the park. You, the children and me.", explained Björn.

"My daughter? Why is she now my daughter? She is your daughter as much as mine.", asked Agnetha indignant.

"Nothing. I just thought...", more couldn't Björn said before she interrupted him.

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