123. Take It to My Grave

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YiHan glanced at his fingers but his focus was the complete opposite of JingYuan's. "My hands are fine," he said. "I don't need to go to the hospital. JingYuan, don't...don't be angry with me. I..."

"How can you not care about your own body?" JingYuan nearly shouted in rage. "Your fingers are all bleeding! Your nails are cracked and split open! The ten fingers lead to the heart. Yet it doesn't hurt? How could I have the time and energy to be angry when your fingers are this badly injured?"

JingYuan hated himself so much right now. He knew YiHan was depressed. The younger man was even suicidal. He actually interrogated the young man over something so frivolous! He didn't even notice YiHan hurting himself under his very nose! If he hadn't walked over and just sat there like a fool, how badly hurt would YiHan's hands be?

He had sworn to protect YiHan, yet YiHan was hurt this time because of him. There was no way JingYuan could accept that. How he wished he could punch himself!

Despite JingYuan's words, YiHan was afraid the other man's suspicion of him would grow because of his self-inflicted injuries. But upon hearing the anger in JingYuan's voice, he lost the courage to speak further.

"I'm really fine," YiHan eventually said. "Why don't we just call Dr Chen and have him discreetly come over to treat them? Let's not disturb the others."

JingYuan had no choice but to call Dr Chen and ask him to come over, with an additional order to be careful and not to let the other family members know.

JingYuan then embraced YiHan from behind. His hands carefully held YiHan's. He was so sombre and silent that YiHan dared not make a sound. A heavy silence fell upon the room.

The hush in the room lasted until Aunt Yang cautiously led Dr Chen in.

Aunt Yang's immediate reaction upon noticing the state of YiHan's hands was to gasp loudly in shock. Just before the yelp left her throat, she clasped her hands over it. Her heart raced and her mind panicked.

"How did this happen?" she softly muttered. "It must hurt a lot."

Dr Chen didn't dare dilly-dally. He hurriedly placed his kit down and started cleaning YiHan's wounds.

"Are they serious?" JingYuan asked in a deep voice. "Do we need to go to the hospital?"

The doctor could feel an immense pressure looming over him. "They should be fine," he warily said. "I'll clean and dress them. If it hurts a lot, he can take some painkillers."

JingYuan hummed in response and spoke no more. YiHan also didn't dare to speak as he noticed JingYuan's face had gone terrifyingly dark. He didn't make a single noise and let Dr Chen do as he pleased with his fingers.

"Dr Chen," Aunt Yang spoke from the side, "please get some painkillers for Little Master later. He's very sensitive to pain."

Pain struck JingYuan's heart. The sight of YiHan bearing the pain with nary a complaint made the expression on his face worsen.

Finally, Dr Chen and the constantly chattering Aunt Yang was sent out of the room. Before YiHan could say "I'm sorry", he was locked in JingYuan's embrace.

"HanHan, I'm sorry," YiHan heard JingYuan say. "I've said I would protect you but I ended up bringing harm to you. It's my bad. Does it hurt a lot? How about some painkillers now?"

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much," YiHan murmured. Upon seeing JingYuan's face turn gloomy at his words, he immediately changed his mind and said, "Erm, well, it does hurt a little. I think I'll have some."

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