First Days Are the Worst

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When I woke up the next morning and stumbled downstairs, my grandma informed me that she had registered me at the school and today would be my first day.
"But I don't have any--"
She handed me a backpack full of school supplies and herded me out the door to her car. The drive over was frustrating because she refused to tell me anything else about my father, because "Information can only make it worse for you sweetie." When we finally arrived at school she decided to take pity on me. She brushed the hair out of my eyes, and said slowly....
"Your father was a nice man sweetie. He was kind to your mother, and would've thought the world of you. We all have pasts but what we do to make up for it it what matters."
I nodded and got out of the car, but I didn't really believe her. But I still marched forward across the campus. God was it tiny. The school was the size of one of the smaller buildings that made up my high school back home. Which meant everyone would be very interested in an addition to the school population. I looked around for a friendly face and saw a boy with turquoise eyes like the ones I had seen last night staring straight at me. His eyes weren't the only strange thing about him though. His hair was so dark black it gleamed blue, and he was amazingly tall; it looked like he was more than 6'4". I couldn't help but walk towards him but I stopped myself. Did I really want the first person I met to be the creepy neighbor who didn't value privacy? So I kept walking through the building until I reached a door that looked like the office. There was a woman sitting behind the desk, with a big smile on her face.
"You must be Abby! Your grandmother told me all about you! Welcome to Williams High School."
I winced, she seemed way too excited for someone just meeting a new student.
"Yep that's me. Could I get my schedule?"
She smiled and nodded and handed me the piece of paper. Then she started to babble and I stopped paying attention until I heard
"Erik will help you to your classes."
I looked at her "Erik?"
She looked confused " You haven't met him yet? He's your next door neighbor isn't he?"
Next door neighbor? She didn't mean....
"Hey." I heard a silky voice and somehow knew it was him. I turned around and turquoise eyes smirked at me "So you needed the tour?" I tried not to wince, yep today was going to suck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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