18| Moved Mattress

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A loud knock startles the daylight out of me.

I look up from the notebook that I have carried with me throughout the entirety of the day in my bag, and over to the closed door. For the past hour, at least, I have been drawing. Not for fun, for clues. I have not thought to draw them yet, all I have been doing since the first clue took place was writing them all down, looking for a pattern. I wrote them over and over and over again, but still nothing. Now I have the great idea to draw them, particularly the word ZQDISSZ on every single item we have found upon. So far, I have only drawn the stick and the knife, taking my time to uselessly add detail. Perhaps once seeing them in drawing, there might be similarities.

Perhaps the objects that the word is written on are giving us clues to figure out what is going to happen to us, that must be it!

I answer the door straight away, expecting Emmett to be behind it. It is not.

"Hey," Laurie begins, "there is some dinner out here if you feel like some?" I do feel hungry, having not had the stomach to eat since lunch.

"Great, thanks." And I follow him out to the kitchen, where Emmett is helping Maree bring over some plates. She spots me and her face lights up.

"Violet love, could 'ya grab the salt and pepper from the cupboard? Should just be on the second shelf."

"Of course!" I go to the cupboard and open it. The smell of oil enters my nose as I take the salt and pepper over to the rounded table, set and occupied by steaming potatoes and green string beans. My mouth waters as I stare.

"Sit, sit," ushers Maree, so I do. Laurie sits to my right, a spare seat next to both of us. Emmett takes the one on the other side of Laurie. I feel a pinch in my stomach, as something inside of me secretly wanted him to take the one next to me. Once Maree sits down, we begin eating.

The potatoes melt in my mouth and the beans fill my stomach quickly. Hardly anyone talks unless lightly mentioning the weather, as we are too busy eating. Soon everyone finishes and I offer to help clean up while Emmett and Laurie go off to catch up outside.

"Have you lived here long Maree?" I ask her while I dry the dishes and cutlery she washes up.

"Oh yes, a few years now," she replies, "people think I'm crazy to be livin' 'ere alone, but I love it, it excludes me from all the drama."

I laugh a little. "Now that makes sense."

She laughs back. "It is good to 'ave another female presence 'ere, I love Laurence with all my heart, that sweet thing, but it has been a while since Luisa."


Maree passes me the last fork and I dry it before placing it back in the draw. "Ah, Luisa. She used to live 'ere with me, was my best friend," we sit in the living room on the sunken couches, "then she decided to leave 'outa the blue." We are now deep in conversation, but she still smiles at me.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that," I empathise, "she sounded incredibly special to you." A grandfather clock clunks loudly as each second passes, becoming background noise.

Maree nods, but does not say anything, outside I hear faint laughter.

Then I get an idea. "Do you do much with your hair?"

She turns to me. "Not really, love. Why do ya' ask?"

"I know how to braid, I have not done mine in a while since I cut it shorter recently, but I can do yours if you like?" I ask her warmly, and her eyes light up with excitement.

"Oh, thank ya' love!"

So, I bring over a chair and start braiding. It is good to use my hands at something creative again, containing her frizzy hair into a fresh braid right down the middle of her head.

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