4 | New Task

614 21 13

A/N: These titles are awkward lol

Author POV:

Next Day, Evening

"...oh and you also have to explain to me the thing I saw yesterday"

Hyunjin says while talking on the phone with Felix.

"There is not much to say, and I already explained to you." Felix puts the call on speaker while folding the clothes he took from the dryer.

"Oh of course Felix." comments Hyunjin sarcastically, "I'm sure this wasn't the first time you have eaten together."

Felix looks up "Wait how do you know that?"

Hyunjin grabs his own face in shock "That wasn't the first time?!"

Felix thinks about it for a moment, pouting his lips, "Hmm well when we went on that trip, we ate out once or maybe twice-"

"STOP" squeals Hyunjin.


"So, you are telling me you went on a trip? With him? Was it a business trip? How many days? And and and what did you-"Hyunjin continues to babble nonstop.

"Hyunjin! Let me speak!"

He rolls his eyes. "Alright"

Felix takes a deep breath while holding the phone to his ear now.

"He invited me to a ONE DAY trip, to get to know more each other. We went to Jeju Island and saw stuff and went to the beach too"

Hyujin could barely hold his breath.

"Just you and him? One whole day?"

Felix finally drops himself on his bed "Yeah, he even paid for everything!" adds Felix enthusiastically.

No comment from Hyunjin. Please don't let Hyunjin explode.

"Hyung? Are you still there?"


"HWANG HYUNJIN!" screams Felix back.

Hyunjin stops, knowing he should listen when his best friend calls his full name.

"How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Tell. You. That. SCREAMING WON'T HELP YOUR ANGER ISSUES"

"bUt yOu ArE aLsO sCreAmInG" mocks Hyunjin back.

Felix takes a loud deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Conversations like that were absolutely usual. "Now tell me what were you trying to say Jinnie"

"Okay. What I was trying to say is, he clearly likes you. You took this job like only two weeks ago or something? He really got attached to you!"

Felix sits up shaking his head "I am just his secretary Hyunjin. And buying expensive things for others is normal for rich people."

Hyunjin sighs, and walks over to the mirror to check his hair "Nah listen to me Felix, this is what's going on: he saw your cute precious face with your deep hot voice and small waist, and that's when he decided to smash your-"

"I don't want to know further, thank you" interrupts Felix, knowing his friend could go into too much detail with his imagination.

Hyunjin nods "But he is hot, isn't he? Like I thought you were on a date because he is totally your type rightttt?"

The younger stands up to look outside the window. "I dunno, I never looked at him like that, you know..."

Hyunjin laughs off "You're so funny Felix. I think it's obvious, you have to find out if he likes you!"

Felix lifts his eyebrows "And how should I do that?"

"Well," Hyunjin smiles brightly, "you either ask him directly or flirt with him to check his reaction. He either is going to friend zone you or he'll go for it"

"Naur I could never do that, besides I wanna keep my job." Assures the boy.

Hyunjin chuckles at his cute reaction "It's up to you jagi."

"Got it" mumbles Felix cringing.

"Or at least tell me weird things that you noticed?"

"Hmmm," thinks Felix out loud, after dropping himself on his bed again.

"What about, your name? How does he call you?"

Felix bites his inner cheek "Well he does call me by my first name, even if he shouldn't and my coworkers are getting jealous, I think?"

"That's it!" Hyunjin points to himself in the mirror, "If I had a crush, I would also call their name as much as possible, it's sexyyyy"

Felix rolls his eyes "Aren't you sexualizing it a bit too much?"

Hyunjin clasps his thigh as he sits down "Me? Nooooo. Anyways, and what do you call him? Don't tell me you still call him Dr. Christopher Bahng or how you all business people do"

"Well uhm, yeah I actually still do...IT'S ABOUT MANNERS OKAY"

Hyunjin gasps "Oh boy...Well, now you have a new task to do! Call him by his first name and then you can see his reaction"

"I don't have a death wish Hyunjin"

"I do" mocks the elder.

Felix rolls himself onto the other side of the bed and switches the phone on the other ear.

"Why do you even want me to couple up with him?"

Hyunjin laughs "One, he is hot, Two, he is rich, Three you have daddy issues, Four, I can't stand how you're still single and no one gets to treat you how you deserve!"

Felix's cheeks got rosy at the last statement "Alright I got it, but I have to think about it, okay!"


There is now silence to hear.

"Are you hiding something from me?" asks Hyunjin curious.

"Well..." starts Felix "don't freak out when I tell you"


"When you saw us eating dinner, it was because we were busy the whole day and I didn't get to eat lunch, so he invited me to dinner. And he said he hopes I will forget my lunch more often in future, so that he will get to eat dinner more often with me"


"Oh?" Felix repeats.


"I only understood the half of it"

Hyunjin giggles in return "Felix! I was not joking! That's a pretty good sign."

"Yeahhhh but-"

"Alright," Hyunjin interrupts, "I got to go to work now, update me on this asap in case he confesses to you."

Felix groans "Hyunjin! Stop it!"

Hyunjin hangs up the phone after laughing evilly.

Hyunjin hangs up the phone after laughing evilly

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A/N: Hyunjin the drama queen

Felix, my sweet secretary - ChanlixWhere stories live. Discover now