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The after-hours women were taken out and presented on the podium after dressing up. Meera was also in them; she was sold first as immediately a man came up and asked for her and without any objection, he took her. Meera couldn't see him but was dragged outside inside a car and taken away.

After one hour the car stopped and she was taken inside a huge mansion. Luxurious and beautiful and as the men were leaving, they instructed her to stay inside as this home is guarded by a manless army. If you move out, you will be shot dead. Stay in.

An hour passed but no one came in she stayed there where she was left. It was almost midnight when she jerked out of sleep due to tires screeching in. A man walked in all alone as he moved the doors opened automatically and closed also. It was a fully automatic mansion. As he approached, he asked her why you are glued to the same place, and he moved towards the kitchen. She knew him he was that blue-eyed savior.

She quickly went to him and bombarded him with thousands of questions. He looked at her for minutes before asking her what she will eat. She looked at the loss of words and then he asked her how she ended up there. She narrated the whole story, and he said you cannot roam out just like this as you are new to the world. He laughed loudly and again said yes you are a newborn for me, why do you believe anyone you meet? And now please don't shoot me with this I don't know you look.

Sleep here tonight and I'll think of something tomorrow as I am already trying to think now. What you will eat, tell me quickly. Meera said she will cook something as he said he is tired, but she wants answers to her question in return. He agreed and went to change, and he returned quickly after taking bath, he looked so great no denial of it.

Meera was preparing food and he sat on a chair and asked her for some work to help her. But she said everything is already prepared, and now answered my questions.

First question what's your name?
Raghav also known as Ray

Second...are you Indian?
NRI most appropriately

Third....what do you do?
I am the commander of the biggest Mafia in the world.

She was silent

Fourth...why you saved me?
Your eyes looked like my mother when I first saw you, I couldn't save her then but today I can save you so here you are in my home. Saved from being sold to any monster.

Thank you was all she said and served him food.

It was delicious, he praised her cooking and said her to be his cook until she is here. She agreed quickly. They ate silently, and she kept looking at his injured hand.

He read her eyes and said it's normal and it will be back to normal by tomorrow don't worry. She asked for a first aid box after dinner, and he told her he doesn't have any as it was not a normal house. She asked him to bring one as it's necessary for any household. He leaned his elbows down and then looked at her for a few seconds and said don't do this, or else I'll not allow you to leave this place, you will be captive forever and you know no one will save you even.

He moved towards the basin leaving a stunned Meera behind and said loudly bringing her out of her thoughts Question and answer round for you

First...what's your name?

Second...what do you do?

Third...why you are in Russia alone?
I came to visit...I am an orphan that's why alone maybe.

Fourth...whom you will contact to go back?
No one...

Fifth...what's your size?

Size of your clothes... you might need some until you go back. Let's go I'll get you some things to live here. He said walking towards the main door. She followed him quickly it was ready two at the night and they were roaming around shopping.

As if he read her mind, he said it's not safe to move out with me for you in daylight. His car stopped at a red light she looked up and said can I buy first aid. He again looked at her and then parked his car and wore a mask and stepped out of the car walked towards her put hands on her shoulders and moved towards the store. He first ordered a pack of Condoms. Meera was confused totally, then he asked for an antiseptic and a cream. Meera said in his ears to buy painkillers and some gel for pain relief and bandages. Few antibiotics and also, anti-inflammatories. He looked at her after ordering these and then asked her if she needs a pregnancy kit also. She was all red by now...what's wrong with this man. He bought this whole bundle of condoms and now a pregnancy kit.

She just looked away as the shopkeeper was looking at them with curiosity and then said if not a pregnancy kit, then you should buy tampons. Alright, this was going too far. Raghav quickly said are right. Give us a few from premium companies. The bill was very high, and ray paid and left. She asked what was all that. He said to behave like a normal couple sweetheart.

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