Q U O T E -131

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My mom's saying there's a seventy-two hour rule.
I mean, it happened years and years and years ago when the culture of the Internet like blog gossip culture was happening and they had like edited some picture of me and my cousin or something.
And I was like aw this is it! Like aw man, everyone's gonna believe this, look at the edit.
It's like crazy, I forgot what it even was but my mom said to me, she said you know what? She said you'll go to sleep tonight, you'll wake up and it'll still bother you. Then you'll go to sleep again and you'll wake up and it'll bother you a little less. And then on the third day, you'll wake up and someone else will have done something stupid enough that everyone will forget.
That's totally true. Well that's the seventy-two hour rule, right?
So I've learned to control my emotions for those first two or three days.
And that's why I don't run to social media and start you know yapping about my anger or frustration. I let it sit and it always goes away man.
That's the most valuable piece of information from my mom.

- Drake

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