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Izuku POV:

Once upon a time... during an ancient era... A time of magic, mystery and most importantly... MONSTERS. This era was amazing, a time where monsters walked the streets. Lived in houses. Never feared anything or anyone.

There were many monster species, vampires, werewolves, demons, even some experiments, a.k.a. robotic cyborg monsters, and anything in between!

But one day, humans were brought into the picture...

No one knows where they came from. However, what every monster knows is... HUMANS HATE US. Humans hunted us, killed us, and destroyed our homes. Us, monsters, went into hiding.

Every since then, humans dominate the planet. Forcing us monsters to adapt to this new world. Many monsters became nocturnal, some hid away hiding from the world all together.

Many monsters grouped together with their own species, some of the species that grouped with their own kind included:

Werewolves who live in dense forests, hunting in packs for strength and protection. Vampires, who live in far away kingdoms, who have established their own forms of political governments.
Zombies, who stay together due to how slow they are. At least in a group, for what they lack in speed make up for in strength.

I'm a ghost. I don't remember exactly how I died, most ghosts don't. That's just a fact of being undead, not really remembering exactly how you died. All I know is I had a messed up life, so that's why I'm a ghost, and that's why I'm not able to pass on, to go beyond this stage of the afterlife.

Anyway, as I mentioned before humans hunted our kind. Now we all live in hiding. From what I've heard, most humans nowadays, believe monsters are just old stories and folktales.

This is my story...

Haunted & Hunted [MHA MODERN HALLOWEEN AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt