You better wash your mouth, bat

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Scene type: comedy makeout and passive aggression
Characters: Selina and Bruce
basic breakdown: while playing on video games Bruce discovers the art of dirty jokes and tests them on his unwilling victim, Selina
Characters moods:
Selina: done with his bs. Fair enough
Bruce: ignorant hormonal teen ... relatable 🥲

* Bruce and Selina are playing Mario-cart in the Wayne family guest bedroom, Selina on one couch and Bruce on another facing each other ... Selina is winning and Bruce is purposely losing because he feels bad*

"WHAT HELL NO ... HOW ARE YOU CATCHING UP?!?!" Selina yelps pouting and button mashing.

"I don't know Selina, why are you so slow" i joke biting my lip.

*Selina gets up and moves to the couch next to bruce*

"Say that again I dare you" Selina proposes as she moves so the side of her and Bruce's elbows and legs were touching.

"I don't feel like dying today" Bruce replies sarcastically, nudging her shoulder.

"Anyways ... can I use some pick up lines on you" Bruce pleads with a big goofy smirk on his face.

"Hell no you can't" Selina replies with a face of disgust.

*Selina's car spins off the track but is able to catch up again*

"Damn it" Selina mumbles under her breath.

Bruce doesn't hear her and continues ...

"Why?" Bruce questions frowning.

"They either will be terrible, cat themed or dirty, therefore no fucking way" Selina notes

Fair enough... Bruce thinks to himself.

Bruce fake pouts and looks into her beautiful pearly eyes, fluttering his eyelash's

"No" Selina repeated.

"Fine, but it I win you have to listen to them" Bruce states confidentially.

"Only if you take me to the mall to get new clothes if I win" she says smirking cockily.

"You got yourself a deal, princess" Bruce
Whispered into her ear smirking.

Selina felt her cheeks heat up at the thought of her crush since the day of the Wayne's murder calling her princess. She normally hated being called anything like that but when he said it she  felt the familiar butterfly's she got when she kissed Bruce. Selina hardly ever realized she had teenage hormones , that's unless she's near Bruce. The places her mind go when thinking about him make it hard to not get attached. Ever since poor Selina's mother had been abandoned by her mother she had promised her she would not get caught up in emotions. But with Bruce there is no control over it like a gass fire with constant gas fueling it, keeping it alive. Of course Selina would NEVER tell Bruce any of that but that's how she feels. So she brushed off the flirting and tried to tell Bruce to stop as well.

"#1. Your going down kid and #2 NEVER call me princess" Selina fake angrily shouts.

"Yeah yeah sure" Bruce said forming a plan in his head.


*Bruce throws a cherry bomb at Selina's kart causing Selina to ultimately lose*

"FUCK" Selina yelps knowing damn well she has to deal with Bruce's stupid pickup lines...

but somewhere deep down she wanted him to say them because she's always thought he was a attractive and sweet guy ... she 100 percent could have moved away from the cherry bomb but subconsciously she didn't move a single place.

"Fine, lay them on me" Selina says sighing.

Bruce scoots closer to the point where their knees were touching and there faces were so close together.

Bruce gets 3 inches away while biting his lip, and crawling right above her ... staring longingly at her lips before breathlessly whispering " Wanna know something crazy, life brought a stray cat into my life and now in a heartbeat I'd give away all my 9 life's for you."

Selina's heart rushed beating unhealthily fast while she toke in everything about what was happening. Bruce was whispering a cat pun that seemed heavily targeted while he was hovering on top of her. She had still never had a sexual experience in her life but this... she could feel the tension and it felt like a heaven on earth experience.

Bruce could tell that Selina was REALLY enjoying this and if he's being honest he was too ... Before Selina could say anything Bruce said another one "I want to make you purr, Selina. and you know how people say cats got your tongue? Well I want yours."

Selina gulped on her saliva while sinking farther into the cushion.

Bruce sighed realizing it probably wasn't the time for this but whispered "can I kiss you" into Selina's ear. Before he knew it she pulled him into the passionate kiss they both so desperately needed.

(Ima end before we get to smut territory)

Bats and cats don't mix, but we do 🖤 (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now