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I was watching Space heros season..whatever it was, I was very happy that I am watching it right now! But it's really sad how the show is gonna end soon, so I was laying on my bed like a total slob "ugh", I said out loud.
I came out of my bedroom, and went to the kitchen, "Mamaa, Can I go out?", I asked to my mom, "No! It's late out, didn't you see your window??" "Ooh It's already night?",I questioned "Nooo it's bright shining outside" Said my sarcastic mom, "oh well okay, bye mamaa, Love yooouu" "Love you more!", My mom said back.

Time skip

It was 12:02 a.m., My mom is asleep as I could tell from her snores from my room, I sneakily crawled out the window, and going to the park I used to go there when I was little, Wow It changed a lot! There was supposed to be the merry-go-round! But its replaced by a bench? Ugh why did they have to replace the merry-go-round?? Eeh it's probably because kids kept falling down and losing their teeth, It's their fault that their dumbasses fell off.
As I was walking around the park I heard someone behind me, I looked right behind me, and there was nobody? "Hellooo?" I yelled, No one answered. Well okay this is creepy shit, I do NOT wanna be here anymore, I was simply running to my apartment, and when I was running, I heard footsteps behind me, I was too scared to stop and turn around, I am focused on getting home, Then I obviously tripped on a fucking pebble, I fell down, I didn't wanna get up, I'm scared.
I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and made me turn around, when I saw it, it was no other than... April??!?!? "April! You didn't have to scare me like that dude!" I yelled at her "Well too bad!", April replied, she pisses me off for some reason, "Okay, what made you think of this idea??" I questioned her, "I don't know...Maybe because of tha..." "Yeah yeah, I thought you've been over that already!" I cut her off, "Well I lied about that one!" April replied, ugh it was only a one time, but alright sure "Anyway we better go now before the cops come again" April said, "There's so many crimes in New York! What the hell is happening here??" I asked her "It's because uuuh" "Its because...of what?" I questioned her again, "Eeeh it's nothing" she answered "whatever you say so" I said.

Outside of April's apartment

"Bye April!" I said "bye!" April replied.
ugh finally, I walked away from April's apartment, and going to the gas station for some snacks, when I left, there was.... Twins at the back alley?? They spoke weirdly, and they were talking about the one who we asked its turtle or something like that, I was overhearing their little conversation, They wanted to get ride of the turtles as they were speaking, what world am I living now....
As I was curious of what there were saying, I leaned in a little bit too much.. I fell, There head turn at me like bugs! I got up and stood there like an idiot, "..ohh hiii", I said "You should not have heard kraangs conversation, now you will not tell it to anybody." I was confused? What do they mean by tha- actually I do, I ran from them, but when I looked behind me, they were even faster! I ran and ran, until I got into a dead end. Holy shit! I'm done for! I looked back once more, they were ready to kill me, I didn't expect this would happened, when they were coming up to me, I backed up until my back felt the wall....

Haha cliphanger

Donnie(2012) x me?!? 😱🤯Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat