Chapter 4 First day

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Y/N POV about a week later

It was was my first day back at the academy and I was not looking forward to it. I would be the only person there my age who doesn't have a rideable dragon. It was going to be a long day, and I might run into 'The Gang'. It's a group of all the popular kids such as Astrid, one of the strongest and best fighters ever she was also really pretty, Fishlegs, a literal dictionary when it comes to dragons, Snotlout, who was only well known because he was constantly making a fool of himself but couldn't tell, and last but not least, the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, the pranksters of the school. All together they are the most annoying group ever, except maybe Fishlegs. Also Snotlout and the twins are the biggest bully's ever and they'd usually target Hiccup who just so happens to be Snotlout's cousin. Yeah today was going to be great. Note the sarcasm.

When I got to the academy everyone was looking at me, which I guess makes sense. But of course I had to embarrass myself so I awkwardly waved at a few people. And then instantly regretted it, because they obviously didn't recognise me which I guess makes sense. I mean it had been three years and I did look very different, but still.

The classes through out the day where pretty boring and way to easy since it was all stuff I already knew. When the bell rang I went to go outside to have lunch by myself. I was feeling pretty good at this point, I wasn't worried about failing my classes since I knew it all, and not a single run in with the Gang.

Of course this thought must have jinxed me since I saw the gang coming outside. So I went to a table near the far wall and just had to hope they wouldn't see me. Of course this isn't how the world works I remembered as I saw who looked like Snotlout point me out to the others. None of them had really changed, But there was a knew kid with them who looked kinda familiar, I couldn't place his face but those eyes, I was sure I knew him. Then I saw that Snotlout was walking up to me and when he got here just sat down without asking.
'Rude.' I thought but then he started to I assume, flirt? I dont know, but he seemed to think he was doing great.
"Hey babe, you the knew kid?" He asked while flexing his arms.
"In a manner of speaking." I said with an eye roll. Of course he didn't recognise me.
"You know Im kinda like a celebrity around-"
'I'm sorry what?'
"-here but I could make time to show you the ropes."
I was speechless. He thinks he's a celebrity?! Oh my Thor. "Yeah no, thanks."
"You sure babe?" He asked and then he leaned over the table, grabbed my hand and kissed it!!!
"Yeah, I'm sure." I say while pulling my hand away and gagging to myself. Then I start laughing.
"What is it is, there something funny." He asked looking confused.
"Yeah you, you never even spoke to me when I used to live here." I said between breaths. "You used to hate me because I beat you at everything."
"What do you mean 'when you used to live here'." He asked and completely ignored the second thing I said.
"Don't you recognise me" I asked him and he looked at me intently. It was at this point that the rest of the group got curious and came over, except for the knew kid, and looked at us.
"Okay, that looks like it's hurting you so heres a hint." I said to him and showed him my ring.

Like this but the body is your H/C not silver and the horns/eyes are E/C

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Like this but the body is your H/C not silver and the horns/eyes are E/C

They looked at it confused. That's when the bell rang, I got up and went to the door, the gang was still there just looking at each other. I shrugged it off and went to my next class.

Astrid POV
The bell rang and the knew girl left, we where all frozen in place. That ring looks just like Hiccup's. But that's not possible, I was broken out of  my thoughts by the others talking and walking of. They didn't seem nearly as shocked as me, then I remembered that I've only seen the ring once, during the 'incident'. The others didn't recognise it, but I did, it was the same as Hiccup's which I had found out was almost identical to another one he'd made for, you guessed it, Y/N.

"Hey you all good?" I looked up to see Heather walking towards me, a concerned look on her face.
"Yeah all good. Just thinking."
"About what?" She wasn't gonna drop this was she?
"Just, stuff." I said carefully, which was a mistake because now she looked really interested.
"What 'stuff'? Hiccup stuff?" She asked with a sly grin. Oh thank Thor.
"Oh you got me." I answered as convincingly as I could while sitting down for class. She excepted my answer and went back to talking with Fishlegs.

'What do I do? Do I tell Hiccup she's back? No I can't do that! Then he'll go talk to her and they'll start dating! I can't let that happen! I need to make sure he doesn't find out, somehow.'  At that point the teacher came in and I had to pay attention, I would make a plan tonight.

Hi. So chapter 4 what do you think? I really like it, sorry the chapters are so short though. I am trying to make them longer anyway hope you enjoyed.

See yah 👋
977 Words

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