Chapter Three: Sisters

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Grey called Aisha and the other girls to his room with Sky, Riven and Brandon to tell them about what he found in the book's he borrowed from the witches. Stella wasn't there but Sky was so desperate for news that he couldn't wait for her.

- So, the portal for the Realm of Darkness can only be opened from the outside if with a huge power, as the Dragon Flame, combined with dark magic as well, that is what Sebastian did. Though, I found out about a specific place that has this portal opened until today. It's in the Omega Dimension, a prison under the ground to keep the most dreaded enemies from the Other World. It's in a cave, in the coldest place you can ever think of.
They use the portal to send the ones they can't take care of, like the ones that could escape or be a threat for the guards safety. I don't know how this was first opened, but it was thousands of years ago, and It's impossible to get in. Sebastian planned to go there once, but he could never make it alive, so he found Bloom - Explains Grey.

- Grey, be honest, is this our only chance to get to Bloom? - Asks Sky worried.

- Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is.

- So we're going there.

- Sky! I think you just missed the part that he said is extremely dangerous to go there, no one has ever got it - Notes Aisha.

- But aren't we here with great and powerful fairies that have just transformed ?

- Yes, but it's not like we've trained enough to do this, can't we just ask for the guards to go through? Points Terra.

- No, its entrance is prohibited, that's why no one has ever got it.

- But what if Sky's or Stella's mother asks for it? - Flora questions.

- Guys, they would never let a princess or a prince get through the most dangerous prison in the Other World just because they asked. It's either an invasion or nothing. - Notes Riven.

- And, to be honest, I don't think Griselda would let us leave Alfea to go there - Aisha says.

- We can try to make a plan, analyze the circumstances and possibilities, study the place, our current weapons and warriors, I mean, our "friends"? - Brandon says, trying to convince the girls. I can help the boys to do this, we used to do some invasions with the Eraklyon tropes.

- Well, I think is a dumb idea to compare us to a Royal Army but whatever, if it's the only way to save Bloom you can try to convince us and IF just if, you find a safe way to go, we're in - Musa clarify and the winx agree with her

- Musa's right, but even though I'm a man too, I prefer to stay out of the studies lol. I...might be more useful training the girls, what if they need to fight body to body there? - Plays Riven.

- I accept the training Riv - Musa says.

The door opens in a brutal way. It was Stella.


Back to the Realm of Darkness, Bloom and Dhea get to her place to have an important conversation.

- So, what is it? What is the truth, and why did you say that Marion is your mother?

- Bloom, I'm sorry for not telling you all at first, but I had to make sure that it was really you, but after today, after seeing what you did, the power you used to defeat those monsters, now I'm sure of who you are...

Bloom was shaking, was it, finally, the moment of the truth?

- My name is not Dhea, Bloom. I'm Daphne, your sister.

- What?

- Let's start with the fact that you were right, you were, in fact, born in an ancient war. It was set in our birth Realm, Domino. I was at your age when it all started, our parents were finally having you and our people were full of joy for their new princess, but that's where the war started. But to tell you this, I have to come back to the very first start of the Other World...

- Oh my God ok, tell me then.

- It's a long and complicated story, Bloom, more than what Sebastian told you.

- It's okay, I guess we have time

Bloom wanted to believe her, to believe that she found her family.

- Well so... When the Great Dragon created the Other World, a small spark of its Flame fell into the darkness, the Flame mixed with the darkness in there and created a powerful and dark magic, that's when three ancient witches found it. They molded that power into the shape of a Man, and this is Valtor! Together with these witches he went to conquer all dimensions in the Other World, starting with Domino, their plan was to move forward to Andros, Zenith, Linphea, Melody and eventually Solaria.

- Oh my God, so how was Sebastian here? He's Valtor's son and Valtor was there a thousand years ago? And you... I don't understand

- Calm down Bloom, I'll get there.

- So I don't know if you have the knowledge about the Company of Light but...

- I do actually, Rosalind made me read a ton of books about these stories, Domino's War included, but go on, I wanna hear your version of it.

- Ok. So, the Company of Light was formed by our parents, to defeat the witches and save their world. They had exceptional warriors, fairies and sorcerers on it. Big names for the Other World in the past, such as Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda.

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