Chapter Five: The reunion

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In the morning Musa was going to talk with Griselda about her classes, but she really considered what Riven said about her magic.

- Hi Ms. Griselda, you wanted to see me?

- Yes Musa, sit down, please.

- Ok

- So, I was informed that you don't want to use your powers anymore, but I can't let you stay in a fairies school with a magic blocker. And also, it's good for all fairies to learn how to fight, of course, but I can't let you be a specialist if you didn't come here to do such a thing. So I'll give you two options. You can either take this off and attend magic classes or I'll have no choice but to expel you from Alfea!

Musa was shocked, but she saw that coming, so she was prepared somehow.

-Ok, I'll take it off and go to the classes as you requested Ms. Griselda, but I would still like to attend some fighting classes with Mr. Silva and Riven.

- I can agree on that if you show me interest in using your magic again.

- I do, it's just, I have to find my purpose in being a mind fairy.

- You know that this power can be used in many ways, right?

- Hm, what do you mean?

- Well, I assume you like music, you can associate your magic with it, the sound waves might be an option in the battle camp.

- Oh, this is interesting, but can I focus on one part specifically of my magic?

- You're here to learn how to control and grow your powers, since you've been here for a while now, I think you may already know how to control it, despite your disinterest in it. So now is the time to take these bracelets off and try new things, do you agree?

- I do actually, thank you, Griselda.

The Headmistress takes Musa's bracelets off, allowing her magic to come back.

In the boys room, Sky, Grey and Brandon are talking with Timmy.

- So you think you can help?

- I mean, it's not easy to hack the most secure prison of the Other World, but they do have flaws and gaps that I can pass through, I would just need better equipment to work with.

- Well, we can help with that, I brought shit ton of new technologies on the ship, you may wanna come to check with me, Timmy.

- Sure.

They leave the room, leaving Grey and Sky alone.

- You know we're going to save her, right?

- I do, I have faith. I miss Bloom more than anything in the world. I love her so much... But how was the party? You were close to Aisha, right?

- Yes, she's changing her mind, I can feel it.

In the Winx Suite.

- Is Stella still in her room? - Aisha asks.

- Yes, she spent the whole night crying...

- Poor Stella, she really liked Beatrix. - Flora says.

- But let's allow her to have her own time, perhaps it's better to get over her... - Terra notes.

- Yeah, you're right. Well, I'm off to the Stone Circle to practice my magic, are you coming with me?

- Oh, about that, I'm sorry Aisha, but Helia will give me the potions back, and we'll work on that now.

- You're really into him, aren't you Flora?

- I don't know... - Flora says in a shy voice.

- Well, so it's just me and you Terra!

- Actually... Kat asked me to...

- Oh okay, got it, it's all right guys, I'll go swim now then.

- You could call Grey, I'm sure he would go with you.

- You know how I feel about this.

- I do, and I'm sorry, but Musa said you were having a great time at the party yesterday...

- We were, but who cares... I'll go swim, if he shows up it's ok, but I'm not inviting anyone...

Aisha leaves the room.

- I'll text him.

- Who?

- Grey.

- Flora!

- What? If we don't help they'll never come back and Aisha will still be sad every day when she wakes up, it hurts me to see her like this. Like it hurts me to see Stella in that way, but what can we do for her, right?

- Fair...

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