A week

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"So are we staying at your house or mine for the week?" Mire asked as he stood by your door.

He had followed you to your house, and after showering you changed into pajamas.

"How about you stay at yours.. and I stay at mine" you gave him a smile and he rolled his eyes.
"Since when have we ever done that? Every time one of our parents leave, we stay at the others house"
"I don't care Mire, just go home" you laid in your bed and he snatched the blankets off of you.
"Are you still mad about earlier?"
You gritted your teeth, "No!"
"I thought you were moving on~" he teased and you snatched the blankets back.
"It's not that.." you started looking up at him upset.

You weren't one to usually cry but Mire really pulled at your heart strings at times. He wasn't always a jerk, in fact he treated you kindly when he wasn't being a bully.

"When we were playing that game minus or more.. you ratted me out!" you shouted and he laughed, "You find this funny?"
"No.. it's cute you're upset about that"
You stood up and he was taken back, "Cute?! How are you supposed to be my best friend but telling my personal business infront of everyone! You asked if I was moving on but you said that right infront of Micheal!!"
Mire stepped forward with attitude, "Seriously? Personal business? It's obvious just admit it! I was just fooling around anyways.."
"Get out Mire" you told him and he stiffened upset.


He left your room but not without slamming your door. You couldn't believe the audacity of him.
Ever since this summer, it'd just been more arguments between you two but it was his fault!

Atleast you thought so..

You sighed and after a long day of school, swimming, and socializing in general, you were ready to sleep.
Slowly you drifted off and had sweet dreams.


"Get up!"

You felt a nudge on your side and groaned as you turned the other way.
Another forceful shove was on your body and you fell out your bed and hit the floor.

"Ouch!" you rubbed your bottom as Mire stood above you.
"Get dressed! I can't believe I have to wake you up.." he mumbled and began pulling out your clothes.
"What time is it?" you groaned and looked at your phone, "Mire we have a whole hour!"

He ignored your complaining.
Mire was wearing beige cargos with a white long sleeve and belt. His hair looked the same as usual, hanging low and such.
He had a scowl and you stood up.

"Why are you picking out my clothes?" You asked and he shrugged.

He chose a pair of black jeans with a red T shirt with hello kitty on it.

"Cute.." you mumbled with a half smile and you quickly threw the clothes on as he rushed you.

You brushed your teeth and did your morning routine before grabbing your bag and following Mire to his car. It was still dark outside and the air was becoming chilly.
When you got in the front seat, the smell of his car intrigued you.

"What's that?"
"You'll know when we get to the parking lot.." he told you and you nodded.


Finally you arrived at the school but you were the first ones in the parking lot. The sun was barely rose and you looked at Mire with annoyance.

"Why?" was all you could say after your beauty sleep was disturbed by his early awakening.
"I made you this.." he handed you a bun in a bag.
It smelled heavenly and you looked at him suspiciously. "What? It's a choco bun! I baked it this morning, try it!"

You bit into the bun and almost moaned at how good it was. The gooey chocolate was lovely when contrasted with the crisp bread.
You looked at mire and he had a smile on his face.

"What did you do?" you asked accusingly and he laughed.
"Nothing! I'm just.. sorry for how I acted yesterday. I hurt you.. I didn't want to do that. You're my childhood best friend and nothing will change that.." he apologized and you nodded.
"Apology accepted.. but why are we here so early?"
He sighed, "I feel like we need to talk and this is a calm atmosphere.."
"Talk?" you raised an eyebrow, "About?"
"Ever since this summer.. there's been tension between us and I think we should.. confront it perhaps?"

You turned your body towards him both intrigued and annoyed. Now he wants to talk?
Why? God would Mire just stop confusing you?

"Okay.. what do you want me to say?" you asked and he chuckled.
"Listen.. you said you're moving on right? That means no more midnight rides..?"
You covered your face embarrassed at his analogy, "Yes Mire!!"
"Well.." he continued, "Then I'm moving on too"
Your heart dropped, "What? Moving on? But we never had anything you say!"
"We don't! It's just, when you see other girls in my room.. I'd prefer you not intrude"

You couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Yes you said you were moving on first.. but was Mire being honest?

"As if I'd want to intrude on your disgusting partakes!" you scoffed and grabbed the car handle but he stopped you.
"Wait Y/n! You're still special to me okay? I hold you dear but you know I'm incapable of love!"
"But you're capable of having sex and getting women attached? You're cruel Mire!" you told him and he sighed.
"Just.. remember what I said okay?"
"Yeah.." you threw the bun out the car window, "Fine"


You were sitting in class beside Gina before the bell rung. You kept making eye contact with Mire across the room but you were still upset with him.
Suddenly Mr. Globerman walked in and a girl with long braids walked in behind him.

"Hello class! This is my daughter, Mya Globerman, and she will be joining us" he stated.

You looked at Mire and you watched as his eyes sparked with interest. You scoffed and Bren turned around in his seat.

"Oh no Y/n! Don't tell me Mires replaced you~" he teased and you rolled your eyes.

Mr. Globerman placed Mya at a table that was surrounded by people you didn't know. After class, everyone flooded to lunch and to your surprise, Mire was the first to approach her.

You joined everyone who was at the lake yesterday and sat at a lunch table.

"Well that's new.." Ivan stated looking at Mire and Mya, "She's pretty cute"
"I agree.." you muttered back and Bren poked your cheek before speaking.
"It's so cute to see you jealous~!"


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