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"You're acting weird and it's scaring me.."


Mire looked up at you with a raised eyebrow. He dropped his fork and leaned back with an expression of annoyance.
"What do you want me to act like? It's as if you're expecting something from me.."
"No it's not that!" you began and he scoffed at you.
"No no don't explain yourself doll, I'm scaring you right? Then maybe you should stay at your house for the time being"
"No I didn't mean it like that!" You moved closer to him and he looked to the side hiding his face, "I didn't mean scare! I meant like concerning me.. I just want to make sure nothings wrong"
"Well.." he grabbed your wrist and looked at you, "There's nothing wrong.."
"But there is.."

You covered your face as you felt a mental breakdown coming and Mire tried to remove your hands. He began to smile and tried to cheer you up.

"Hey! Don't cry I'm fine! See? Darling look at me" he pulled at your hands and you stood up from the table.
"No you dummy! Not you.." you frowned and he stood up as he rubbed your arms.
"Are you talking about Mya?"
"Yes!" you wiped the small tears from your eyes as he listened, "She didn't deserve this.. God we should have went to the police! Her family must be worried.. I should've never pushed you.."

Mire wrapped his arms around you as you began to cry. The pressure had finally gotten to you.

"Hey.. It's not like we killed her.."
You stop sobbing and looked up, "What?"
"It was an accident. A horrible accident and we couldn't go to the police because her father would have blamed us all for it because he's insane.." he pulled a strained of your hair and stroked your face with his thumb.
"I know but.. besides those factors.."
"Can I tell you something?" he cut you off and began to drag you to the living room.
"But the pancakes.." you pouted and he laughed.

There was still a blood stain on the couch and Mire covered it with a blanket. You both sat down and the smirk he had never left his face as he looked at you.
His stare was so deep, it felt like he knew everything without you even telling him.
Ah but.. maybe you were just overthinking as usual.

"What is it?"
"Mya didn't lose, you did"
"What?!" you almost jumped up but Mire stopped you. You stared at your palms shocked, "Wait so that was supposed to be me impaled?!"
"No, but it could have been you if I hadn't lied" he sighed and leaned back, "Can I tell you something else? I'm glad I lied. I don't know what I would have done if you died.."
"But why did you lie?"
He looked at his hand and then back up to you, "I don't know.. I just wanted to tease you all night but I didn't tell everyone you lost.. I'm not sure why"
"Mire.." you trailed off and he rubbed your thigh, "Stop that.."

He began to pull you closer and wrapped his arms around you. Mire saw your frowning face yet he found it.. cute? He began to hold you and it just confused your head even more.

"Why are you like this?" you sighed and he kissed your neck.
"I have something else to tell you.."
"What is it?" you asked a bit annoyed.
"I.. nevermind I'm just overthinking!" he stood up with a laugh and you fell backwards on the couch.
You stood up with him, "Huh?! Mire are you okay?"
"It's just my heads a little clouded.. that's all.. Do you think the others will come over after school?"
"I'm not sure.." you mumbled and it went quiet again.

You looked up at him and he was biting his lip while looking to the side.

What's wrong with him?
He's hiding something..

"Hey let's just watch TV!" he laughed off and pulled you back on the couch.

He started scrolling through shows as he held you which wasn't abnormal. Even though you both were best friends.. you acted like a couple but with no love attached.
Well.. no love attached from his side.


You ended up just watching TV all day.
Bren and Ivan never came over and it was now night out. You were getting ready to sleep in Mires bed but he was standing across the room standing nervously.

"Mire are you okay?" You asked yet again and he kind of laughed.
"Darling can I ask you something?" he questioned and this time you didn't mind the nickname since he seemed serious.
You sat on the bed and looked at him, "Of course Mire.."
"You mentioned a dream this morning right? What was yours?"
You stiffened and looked to the side with a laugh, "Oh um.. it's embarrassing"
"Just tell me, you know no secrets between us" he smiled as he changed into pajama pants and a tank top.
"Well.. I don't really remember anymore but I think I ended up chained to a bottom of a basement and someone was talking to me.. something about you" you tried hard to remember, "The world hating us and that the old Mire was dead I think.. I don't know what it means. Why do you ask?"
He sat in the bed beside you, "I had a dream too"

You got sudden goosebumps and you felt scared for some reason as he looked at you so sternly.

"What was it?"
"Well.." he started and looked around, "It started with you chasing me in the woods and I tripped on the ground.."
You nodded as you continued to listen.
"I was so scared.." Mire whispered as he looked into your eyes, "And then.. you grabbed me by the shirt and began tonguing me down as you said how much you needed me~"
"Oh drop fucking dead Mire!!" you yelled at him and he laughed as you pushed him away, "You're disgusting!"
"Oh come on! It was funny!" he grinned and you rolled your eyes as you wrapped in his covers.

He eventually joined you in bed and you cuddled against him until you fell asleep.



You suddenly woke up and didn't know why. It was pitch black in the room and Mire wasn't in the bed.
There was complete silence.
Your eyes slowly adjusted as the moon peered in through the windows. You scanned the room and that's when you seen Mire standing beside the door. He had something shiny in his hand.

"Mire?" you asked but he didn't respond.

You looked at the gleaming object in his hand and it was a knife. He was staring at the floor with no motion. You could hear your heart beating as you pulled the covers closer.

"Mire what are you..?"

Your heart jumped as his eyes moved and were now on you as his hair hung in his face.
A grin began to form on his face.
You got up out the bed in fear. You slowly crept towards the bathroom and his eyes didn't leave your body. Carefully, you made your way towards the door and suddenly he charged at you.
You screamed as he cornered you against a wall with a slam.

"Huh?! Y/n what's wrong?!" he suddenly snapped out of whatever trance he was in and noticed what was going on. He looked at the knife in his hand and dropped it scared. "What the fuck?!"

You were shaking.
You didn't think Mire could look so.. scary.

"I'm sorry!! Darling I don't know what happened! I think I was sleep walking.." he plead but you didn't know how to react.
"You've never slept walk before.." you mumbled and he bit his lip before cursing.

"Okay.. fuck okay I really have to tell you something.."


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