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"Who's up there?" Stinger asks as he walks into the Control Tower on the ship.

"Cougar and Merlin with Maverick and Goose. Along with..." Mustang answers as he looks at who is in the air before looking up at Stinger nervously. "Chaos and Hades."

"Who in the hell let Maverick and Goose in the air with Chaos and Hades?" Stinger asks as he looks around at everyone in the room, who all shrink down their seats.

"What's the hype, Hades?" Chaos asks with a smirk, which causes her RIO to shake her head with a smile since her call sign was almost Hypeman instead of Hades.

"Roger. I got him," Hades replies as she watches the radar since the control tower had just notified them about a bogey. "Contact, 20 left at 30 miles. Nine hundred knots closure."

"Cougar, you hear that?" Maverick asks with a smile present on his face.

"Roger. Merlin, you got him?" Cougar responds before seeing if his RIO sees the same thing.

"Roger, I've got radar contact," Merlin answers him as he watches the radar. "What about you Goose?"

"Roger. I got him," Goose says with a nod, while watching his radar.

"I'll get a visual ID," Maverick offers as he glances over at the aircrafts beside him.

"Not if I get it first," Chaos challenges as she takes off to get the visual ID, while Maverick shakes his head at his sister. "Cougar, you hook him."

"Roger, and I'll clean him before Hades fries him," Goose jokes with a laugh before they follow Chaos towards the unidentified aircraft.

"Mustang. Mustang, this is Ghost Rider, 2-0-3," Cougar says as he contacts the Control Tower on the aircraft carrier. "I've got him inbound, bogey heading 2-7-0. We're at ten miles, 900 knots closure." Cougar then starts talking to Merlin. "Merlin, see if he is a single."

"Roger," Merlin replies as he looks back to the radar. "Hades, you see a trailer?"

"Negative, Merlin," Hades responds as she watches her radar. "Looks like he's a single."

"Cougar, I'm gonna go head-to-head with him," Chaos informs which causes Cougar to look over at Chaos' aircraft uneasily.

"Take it easy, Chaos. I don't like this wild shit you do," Cougar tells her as he looks around. "I'm gonna break high and right, see if he's really alone." Cougar breaks right as he goes up higher.

"We've got 1,000 knots closure, Mav," Goose says as he watches his radar. "He's coming right at Chaos."

"Okay, buddy what's on your mind?" Maverick asks even though the unidentified aircraft can't hear him before the aircraft turns to reveal that there is two of them. "Holy shit, there's two of them."

"MiG-28s," Hades exclaims as the two MiGs fly past them while she tries to turn to see them. "No one's been this close before."

"Cougar. Mav. You both get MiG one. I'm going after MiG two," Chaos orders as she tries to not lose sight of the MiGs.

"Maverick, I lost him in the sun," Cougar says as he looks around trying to find MiG one, without panicking. "Shit, what's he doing? You got him, Merlin?"

"He's coming around," Merlin answers him as he looks around before spotting MiG one. "He's coming around on our tail."

"God damn it. This bogey's all over me," Cougar says as he starts to slightly panic.

Top Gun: ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora