Morning of

6 0 3

Felix's pov:
"Felix, Felix, Felix!" I hear someone's voice start to get louder and louder and I try to sink into my bed further, damn I should have slept earlier last night rather then testing out the drums for two hours. I hate being paranoid.

"Felix get the fuck up!" I hear the voice again
I mumble a quiet shut up and hear nothing for awhile. Wow it worked I thought trying to go back to sleep.

Before I realised it I was getting dragged out of my bed and my head hitting the floor hard giving me a headache.

"What the fuck!" I groan at my now growing headache, I look up to see Kai standing over me not showing a hint of care that my head hurts.

"I tried to wake you up, now get up we have to practice for the show today." after he said this he started to drag me across the slippery floor with my blanket under me until we got to the living room.

I stood up and shoved kai's shoulder.

"You could have at least let me sleep for like 5 more minutes." I complain with a now bigger headaches while I walk to get some medicine.

"Sorry dude, but we have a show today sooo." he said dragging out the 'o'.

For some reason the word 'dude' coming out of his mouth towards me hurt, I didn't show it so I wouldn't worry them but it just hurt.

I rub my eyes and rest my head on the table until i realise the other 3 aren't here.

"Kai where are the others?" I ask confused why they aren't here.

"Well while you were asleep they said that they were gonna check out the stadium before we practice," he said taking a bite out of his toast "They told me to stay here and wake you up."

"Do you want me to call them and tell them you are awake?" He asked while he got some bread out of the fridge to put in the toaster for me.

"No it's alright, I'd rather just chill with you anyways" I say as I sit on one of the stools next to the table in the kitchen.

"Awww, does Felix like hanging out with me, I feel so honoured." he answered in a baby voice and put his hand to his heart with the bread in the toaster.

"Oh fuck off, I'm about to grab that toaster and throw you in the pool with it." I say in a joking pissed off voice.

"No you wouldn't dare, you love me to much" he replies and goes over to the toaster to get me the toast, he puts it on a plate "do you want margarine on you toast?"

"Uhh yes please, thanks dude."  He butters the toast, I smile softly at him as he hands me the buttered toast "what time is it?" I ask then take a bite out of my toast.

"It's 9:36, we have to be at the stadium to practice at 10 so we are ready for the concert at 7" he replies, even though that's what I wanted him to tell me I didn't want me be reminded that we have to practice for 9 hours and then an extra 1-2 hours on stage.

Don't get me wrong I love to do concerts, but this is going to be very tiering.

"Damn today is gonna be one hell of a day" I say finishing off my toast.

"Well this is what you get when you do concerts" well he is right, at-least we get to interact with fans today. It's been so long since we hade a concert to song relise issues and I'm just glade we get to now.

"Well you are right, what time do you want to start driving there? So I know when to get ready." I ask while I take my plate to the sink.

"Hmmm maybe at like 9:45, so get ready now cause it 9:40 now, and hurry I don't want to get in trouble by alixx. She will make it my fault if we are late."

"Yeah yeah whatever man, I'll get ready now" I answer his blabber as I walk into my room to get changed.

I look through my closet and find a dark blue hoodie to wear and a pair of black jeans with black converse.

When I walk out of my room I see Kai wearing a different outfit. He's wearing a purple jumper, ripped black jeans and vans.

We both start walking out the door of the hotel we are staying at and go to the elevator

"You should probably call alixx and tell them we are on the way" I say as I turn my head to look at him.

"That's a good idea" he calls back, taking his phone out of his pocket to call alixx and say we are on our way. From what it sounds like they are not impressed with us leaving just now.

We start walking to his car once we get out of the building and we put on our sunglasses hoping that our fans having found out our hotel yet.

Don't get me wrong I love our fans but sometimes they can be too invasive, and when I say that I mean really invasive.

We walk to the car gladly not being noticed and he starts driving, during this car ride we talked about what might happen on tour from things we heard from other peoples tours.

We put music on in the background and whenever our favourite songs would come on we would scream it at the top of our lungs causing Kai to almost hit a pole.

We finally get there getting scolded by alixx (which was no surprise) and start to set up our stuff, me setting up my drum set and mic and making sure my ear plug works and the others connecting their guitars/basses in and testing them out.

Hopefully today won't be too tiering

1018 words

A/N i hope you enjoyed this first chapter and hopefully there wi be plenty more to come, this will be kind of a slow burn but it will be worth it.

Also i have trouble finding motivation to do this so if a chapter takes longs then sorry i will get it up as soon as possible.

have a good day, love yaaaa

- T

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