Switch practice

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Felix's pov

After we had been practicing a few of our songs me and Kai got an idea. We decided that for our songs "can I have a ride home?" That I should sing it and play the guitar for it and he does the drums.

The reason for this is that I was the one who wrote this song and wrote the notes and everything for it, so we thought that we could give the fans a little demo of the song with me singing it.

And that's why I am not trying to teach this man (who is way worse at drumming then I thought) how to do basic drum stuff.

"No your not supposed to- kai i swear, stop!" i say seriously while laughing as he hits random drums without hitting the actual things hes supposed to.

"i'm doing it right Felix, i don't know what your talking about." he laughs out while still hitting random drums, making me end up squeeze on the chair he was on and grab his hands helping him with it.

"here, look." i play the basic beat of the song with his hands under mine holding the drum sticks.

"there, that's the basic rhythm." i look back at him smiling, only to relies he was already looking at me. It is probably weird to say since we are friends, but he was looking at me in a more lovey way then usual.

as i expected he looked away after i noticed and realised i was still holding his hands, which made me decided to let go. I get out of the seat and go to the guitar trying to practice it.

since I knew more about guitar then he did drums I was able to learn it by myself, especially since I wrote the rhythm.

That was.... Strange?

I try not to think about it as the band gets ready to practice. While Kai was still struggling, I knew he was but if he doesn't ask for help he won't get any.

The drum beat sounded better then I thought but when I looked back I saw Roman instead of Kai, while Kai went off to Roman's bass. I rolled my eyes at him and started to sing the song, somewhat forgetting how fast it is.

I can't sleep, speak or eat meat
My best friend does not like me
There's something on my shoulder
I hope I don't get older
Every girl breaks my heart
Your boyfriend doesn't like art
I'm sad that vine is dead
Your bitch she gave me head

I want you to know
That I'm sorry for not picking up the phone
And now I'm asking you for a ride home
Away from a girl whose name I don't even know
And I'm sorry for all the things I said
When I was drunk and not in my normal head
Don't tell my mom and I won't tell your dad
We're just two boys in love, what's so bad?

We decided not to play the who song and only a bit so we get a feel of what it would feel like on stage, also with the fact that Kai is supposed to be on drums and Roman on bass when we actually play.

Most of this song was just a joke since I wrote the song when I was a little tipsy. I made the beat for it when I was sober, since I had an idea for it so decided why not, fuck it y'know.

After singing the song I went straight to Kai. Why did I got to them you may ask? Because I wanted to sand in-front of him until he admits to needing help, which is exactly what I did.

"Okay fine I need help, just stop staring at me weirdo." See, knew it.

"Okay, just don't be stupid this time or your gonna look stupid on stage, okay?" I asked him, hoping they actually accept to being normal and not being a dumbass.

"Okay okay, just please teach me."

We walk over to his drum set and I start to teach him how it works.

(A/n I know rats ass about drums, so ima just not explain anything yknow and just do a little time skip, love ya)

After helping him with the drums, we started to practice again getting ready for the show tonight. Most of our songs are more indie and alternative, but some are like pop.

For example the song I made is more indie/alternative, but one of the songs Kai made called home is more pop. I guess that's what people like about our bad, also added on that we are queer but we have a wide range of music.

Might even add a rap song if we are feeing fancy to jazz things up, even jazz, who knows.

After practicing we all went to alixx's cafe to chill and relax. After talking for awhile we all heard alixx slip about some person he likes called Evelyn.

We all pestered her about it until they finally cracked and told us some details. Karl asked what vibe they have and he said a cottage core vibe. We all could of guessed cause it's either going to be a alternative type person or a cottage core person.

Kai asked if she got her number and they said they didn't, that really disappointed us. But then he says that they come often which is really good.

Alixx ended up telling us to rap this up and go rest before the show, which we all gladly did.

After we all rested we started to go in the car to go drive to the stadium it was held at, still annoying alixx about Evelyn.

When we get there we set up and get everything ready, making any little touch ups that are needed.

I helped kai a bit with some more drum things he needed help with and I asked his for some tips for things I didn't know about the guitar, or being the main singer.

After we got completely ready, the people started to show up.

1030 words

Helllllloooooooo, I hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it wasn't good, I did write this in one go at night, aka night, but anyways it's technically Christmas for me now, so merry Christmas and for Americans (I don't think any are reading this) merry Christmas Eve

Today is also my birthday so happy birthday to me, and my friend kai, hopefully this is a great Christmas gift to wake up to cause you love me so much you.

The songs I mentioned were

Can I have a ride home? I'm at a party and I don't know any1 - carpetgarden

Home - 1D

Anyways ta taaaaa hope you liked this, ima put Evelyn's description in the next part, bye byeeee, love yaaa
- T

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