Chapter 2

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Karlheinz's New Plan

Karl Heinz was just walking down to the halls,
Just silence took over, the brothers were eventually were getting along, but subaru was not okay with it.

So karlheinz himself got a plan, all the males in their rooms were asleep as long for Karl Heinz which he stopped by to subaru's room.

Until he opened the door slowly, the door making creek sound, Karl Heinz fully entered and saw subaru on his coffin bed.

Karl heinz slowly slipped his hands on subaru picking him up subaru's bunny plushie on his hands, but he was asleep and manage to let it go.

Karl Heinz then exited the room with subaru on his arms sleeping, while Karl Heinz walked back to the hall ways. Until the two had arrived to the basement, as Karl Heinz put him to the ground seeing some sharp tools, and a real heart! Still beating.

Until then Karl Heinz has been experimenting on subaru, and stitched the wound on his chest while subaru's eyes wide opened his eyes change to a different color.

Subaru games for air, as he painted his eyes slowly  closing for more rest, karlheinz was quite nervous he didn't want to lose his son.

Karl Heinz then bridal style his son on his arms, Karl Heinz then teleported to subaru's room seeing the door still open, which he closed it, and put subaru to his coffin bed, while subaru felt uncomfortable little bit.

Which he felt his plushie beside him getting comfortable slowly, and then smiled little bit in his sleep, Karl Heinz then knelt down putting his hand inside subaru's coffin petting subaru on the head.

Karl Heinz smiled and his eyes closed, and his eyes became gentle filled with genuine and love, until then, he noticed bite marks, Karl Heinz was confused, he then pulled down the cloth down to subaru's shoulder exposing subaru's while neck down to his collar bone.

Karl Heinz saw two hopes it was deep, it must been a vampire bite, Karl Heinz eyed the bite marks, and then felt little bit access to subaru's blood, he couldn't feel but felt little bit pekish, until then he opened his fangs biting the same spot were had laito bite him from the before.

Subaru hummed in his sleep slowly becoming uncomfortable, Subaru accidently moaned in his sleep, while Karl Heinz sucked subaru's blood, it must been the heart it was put in Subaru and was pumping giving him more blood, like vampire blood...

Karl Heinz removed his fangs on subaru's skin
Standing up while he rubbed of the blood on his chin spreading like a cloud.

Until he teleported away leaving subaru's neck  blood dripping down, until then Subaru eyes we're opening until he hissed in pain, and then touched his neck, and looked on his hands.. Blood.

Subaru was confused his eyes tired, while Subaru went to his own bathroom in his room, and bandage the bite marks.

Subaru was quite confused the confusion in his eyes and pain, while Subaru just shrugged it off and then went back to his coffin bed

But he noticed someone on the balcony the light was shading them, until Subaru was about to yelled out for them, but he didn't want to wake his brother and those half-breeds.

Until then the unknown person on the balcony slowly turning his head behind, while Subaru was quite freaked out.. Scared.

Until he face the unknown person but their half face had a dark figged covering their eyes, only the mouth seen, it was turned into a wicked smile.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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