Poetry 11

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Sho star

My shooting star,
I will never get tired of waiting for you to show up because you are worth waiting for.
I was stunned whenever I saw you,
I feel like I won a million in a game

You are one of the rarest but still,l wanted to have you.

My heart aches to see you slowly disappear,
I know when I watch you
I realize that somehow there's someone who will come and be part of our life.

A shooting star I foolishly thought I could keep and never out of my sight, but sadly it will not stay, and it disappears like magic that's why there's a saying"We've only got a short time to shine, so shine the brightest"don't waste a thing and appreciate everything.

If you found yours then grab it and never let it go

All of the stars I found one and I can call it mine. Only mine, my sho star🌟A

                                          Shining moon,     

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