Good Morning! (12 Years Old) 💙❤️

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It was just another day at the Cerise Laboratory. Our research fellows were sleeping peacefully in the small room they shared.

Goh blinked, being woken up by the rays of sunlight slipping through the blinds. He quickly shifted his uncomfortable position, trying to escape from Ash's iron grip.

"Ash, you're squeezing me..." Goh mumbled, rubbing his eyes and kicking Ash's legs. But this didn't work. Ash was a heavy sleeper, and he continued to snore through Goh's scolding.

The only thing Ash changed was how tight his embrace was. He had his arms wrapped around Goh's waist, tightening his restraint.

Goh sighed, giving up the idea that he'd be able to inch his way out. He was rather tired, anyway, from yesterday's expedition. Ash was incredibly warm, in contrary to the fact that the room was extremely cold. So Goh let himself be engulfed in Ash's grasp.

Just as Goh was about to drift back to sleep, a soft murmur was heard from behind him.

"Hmmph," Ash grunted, wrapping his legs around his boyfriend.

It's been six months since they started dating. Goh's been in love with Ash ever since they first met, two years ago. He was afraid to tell his best friend, thinking it might ruin their long-lasting friendship. But with enough encouragement from Chloe, he was finally able to work up enough courage to tell Ash his feelings.

And little did Goh know, that Ash felt the exact same way he did.

And ever since then, things changed. Because they really liked each other, they decided to start dating. And so far, everything was going well. Ash admitted, that ever since he started dating Goh, he'd found himself growing closer to him. And he's the happiest he's ever felt in a very long time. They did everything together, and always thought about each other. They've gotten quite comfortable with each other, and Goh's become quite clingy. For example, although they share a bunk bed, Goh begged Ash every night to come onto the top to sleep with him. Ash's comforting cuddles put Goh to sleep almost immediately.

"Ash, you're hurting me!" Goh said playfully, forcefully twisting his body around to face Ash, with a fake pout plastered across his face.

Ash slowly opened his eyes, catching a glimpse of his boyfriend staring at him. "Good morning, Goh," Ash whispered, laughing. "Was I hugging you too tightly again?" Ash gave a soft smile, taking Goh into his arms, holding him tightly. His head was placed right next to Ash's chest. Goh could hear the soft beats of Ash's heart, calming his nerves.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Goh's whole body suddenly felt all warm.

"Where's my morning kiss?" Goh whined, shaking Ash's shoulder and pulling on his shirt collar, tilting Ash's head downward.

Ash chuckled, leaning in and placing his lips onto Goh's forehead.

"Much better," Goh spoke quietly, snuggling with his boyfriend.

"You must be in a good mood," Ash grinned. "Usually I'm the one asking for your kisses."

"Nah, I just needed your love after not being with you for a whole day," Goh sighed, signaling he wanted more kisses. Ash fulfilled those wishes, caressing Goh's small body and giving small pecks down his boyfriend's neck.

Goh was on a Project: Mew mission again. Ash couldn't come along, so Goh went alone, practically depressed the whole time. He usually can't go an hour without being next to Ash, so this?

"Oh!" Ash jumped up, frightening Goh. "I forgot! While you were gone, I went shopping, and I got something for you," Ash pulled the blankets off, making Goh shiver.

"Nooo! Don't leave me! I love you!" Goh said dramatically, extending his arm over to Ash, who was walking away, as if he was going to leave forever. "I'll miss you so much if you abandon me here like this!"

"You're so needy," Ash shook his head, walking back and taking Goh's hand to drag him out of bed.

"So you thought of me while I was gone?" Goh cooed, as they walked down the hall together.

"Of course I did! You're all I can think about!" Ash gripped Goh's hand tightly. Goh's face turned a shade of red.

"Really? You mean it?" Goh asked, with sparkle in his eyes. "Even over battling and food?" He stared at his boyfriend in delight.

"I do mean it," Ash said softly. "I care about you a lot, and I love you more than anything in the whole wide world," Ash beamed.

"Aww, you're so sweet," Goh teased, tapping the tip of Ash's nose. Although, it wasn't 100% teasing. Goh really was happy that Ash told him those words. Sometimes he really needed to know that, especially since he grew up not surrounded by love. He grew up in an environment that turned him independent, so make friends was hard for him. So meeting someone like Ash who accepted him for who he was, and didn't mind his personality, was a true gift.

Goh really did love it when Ash expressed his feelings like that. He felt really special and loved.

The boys walked over to the kitchen, where Ash picked up a little plastic bag he set beside the table. He dug around in it, and then pulled out a small black box.

"What is it?" Goh grinned, full of curiosity.

"Open it!" Ash giggled, wrapping his arms around Goh's shoulders, and kissing his cheek.

Goh slowly opened the box. Inside was a small, silver ring. Goh's eyes lit up when he pulled it out of the small slit the ring was sitting in. Engraved on it was a small blue heart, and next to it the name Ash.

Goh looked over at his boyfriend, his heart beating faster.

"It's a promise ring," Ash explained. "I-It's... supposed to be a ring that signifies a commitment, of some sort, in a r-relationship," Ash stuttered sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his head. His eyebrows were curved and his face was flushed.

"May I?" Ash looked back up and got permission as he took the ring out of Goh's hold and slipped it onto his left ring finger.

Then Ash took another ring out of his pocket, sliding it onto his own finger. It had a small red heart, with the name Goh next to it.

Ash looked away shyly, as he took Goh's hands into his. "You're the first person I've ever really felt something for. I really like you, Goh. And you make me so happy. So I just want to promise to you... that no matter what happens..."

"I'll always be there for you."

"And even if things don't go as planned... I hope to continue staying friends with you and stay by your side. you a lot, and... well..." Ash looked down at his own ring. "I hope you feel the same way as I do. And maybe—"

But before Ash could finish his sentence, Goh already placed his lips on Ash's cheek. And even though they share small kisses like this all the time, this one felt different. Special. It was warm and passionate, a perfect display of their love.

"Honestly, Ash..." Goh looked at the boy in front of him with adoration as they parted. "I love you too. I really do. And... I also wish to stay with you until the day I die. So, I promise that I'll also always be there for you."

They both gave loving looks at each other, ending with a big hug.

"I'll make sure I marry you one day when we're older!" Ash said, smiling.

"I know you will," Goh said, smiling back, resting his forehead against Ash's.

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