My Little Nerd-Part 3 (15 Years Old) 💙❤️

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4:35 pm, after school

"Pikachu, use iron tail!" Ash commanded, pointing his index finger out towards a punching bag. Ash's partner pokémon darted towards the target, swiftly swinging his tail around, sending the figure flying into a nearby wall. It crashed loudly, just as Ash's pikachu's legs landed back on the floor of the training gym at Vermillion High.

Ash grinned. "Use thunder bolt!"

Pikachu's body sparked aggressively, and an electric shock was sent through the slumped sack, making the whole room buzz and light up.

"Good job, buddy! I'm totally confident about tonight!" Ash cheered, reaching his arms out towards his pikachu, who jumped into his embrace. "I'm so excited to battle with you!" Pikachu nudged his cheek against Ash's, causing the boy to chuckle.

"Ash!" a door swung open, and Dawn appeared with Gary next to her. "We totally knew you'd be down here."

"Are you ready for tonight?" Dawn squealed, looking at both Ash and his pikachu.

"Yep! I'm all fired up!" Ash pumped his fist into the air, his pokémon copying the gesture. "Pikachu and I are ready to rock!"

"Not that, you dingus..." Dawn sighed. "I mean, I guess that too, but... y'know, the other thing." Dawn's eyebrows wiggled after she batted her eyelashes.


Ash blushed at Dawn's comment, initiating her laughter. Gary grabbed the bridge of his nose. "Enough with the teasing..." he shook his head, even though he was smiling. "Have you figured everything out?"

"I sure hope so..." Ash swallowed, looking down at his shoes.

"Don't worry, we'll be there for backup!" Dawn said excitedly.


6:25 pm

Goh stared down at Chloe's bedroom floor, frustrated.

"Goh," Chloe laughed. "You look so tense. What's up?" she asked, reaching into her closet for something to wear to the game.

"Nothing," Goh exhaled sharply, resting his eyes for a moment.

"Oh, come on, you know that's not true," Chloe turned around with a hanger in her left hand, and her other hand on her waist. "It's okay... you can tell me." Chloe walked over to Goh and stood in front of him.

"It's just... uh— well... I don't know," Goh mumbled, pulling on his index finger. Chloe raised an eyebrow, not convinced, crossing her arms. "Do you... do you think Ash is dating someone?" Goh looked down, allowing tips of his hair to fall gracefully over his eyes. "I mean, Ash seems close to Dawn, and stuff-"

"Oh? Is that jealousy coming from Goh Allens?" Chloe teased.

"..No," Goh whined, throwing himself backwards onto Chloe's bed, grabbing a pillow to throw over his face. "It's just... if he likes her, then... I don't know, I don't think I'm cut out for this kind of thing yet. Maybe I should just go back to being the nerd nobody likes instead of dreaming up romances—"

"Goh Allens!" Chloe stomped her foot on the ground. "With an attitude like that, maybe!" Chloe's gaze softened. "Why can't you see it? The way his face brightens when he sees you in the halls? The way he smiles when you speak to him? The way he laughs at your stupid little jokes? The way he compliments you and always tells you how incredibly smart you are?" she sits down next to her best friend, shaking her head. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone look at you the same way Ash Ketchum does."

Goh stared at Chloe, not knowing whether to feel nervous, embarrassed, or a little bit of both at Chloe's scolding.

"hmm," Goh closed his eyes, leaning back.

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