Chapter 4

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Neil's hug took jennie by surprise. She rapidly withdrew herself from his embrace.

"Uh..I am...sorry~" Neil said awkwardly.

"Its..Okay..I was just lost somewhere..don't know when these babies came out~" Jennie said while wiping the tears and tried concealing the situation with a smile.

"Are you okay..."

"You know its just me...whenever I try to paint my hands just ..I don't know they shiver and don't work~" Jennie looked at Neils face whose eyes were fixed on her with concern.

"Its okay...they won't shiver anymore~ I am gonna make everything okay..."
He held her hands and squeezed them gently.
Jennie looked at Neil in confusion and pulled her hands out his grip,
"How are you so sure and...what everything..." she asked.

"I..I mean I can paint so I can teach you..only if you allow~" Neil adjusted his glasses and smiled.

"I told ya..I am leaving soon~just here for these paintings..and the story~"
Jennie replied.

" I never said this story was a fact~Why so interested in it..." Neil questioned.
"Its..." Jennie looked at Neil and lost in thoughts.

"Continue..." Neil interupted her thoughts.

"Uh...Thats..I don't know..I just feel its kinda real~strange right..." Jennie hesitated but talked her thoughts out.

"So You believe in werewolves..."
Neil asked with curiosity but his expressions were hard to read as always.

"No...I might sound crazy~but I feel some connection...I don't know I might be relating to .."

Neil came closer and placed his finger on her lips,

"Shhh...Its not crazy~You're not!"
Jennie coughed and stepped back before she could ask something Neil left the room saying,

"I'll make us coffee...Come to the living room"

"Wait..What do you mean..."
Jennie followed him out of the room but he wasn't in sight.

She walked through the corridor in dim light and entered living room. Neil was lighting fire in the fireplace.

"Why do you think its not crazy..." Jennie asked from behind.

"Because I know the story~"Neil stood up and walked toward her.

"...and the connection I feel~" Jennie asked. Neil held her hand and brought her near the fireplace.
"Its cold...sit here. l'll get you some coffee" He smiled and left the room.

"But..You..." Jennie was left unanswered again.

Jennie sat down and looked around the room. There was di light in the room. The room wasn't decorated much.There were huge windows covered with white curtains. There were some creepy paintings hanging on the wall.

It was thundering outside. Animal's howls and screeching sounds could be heared mixed with heavy rain in the silent room. Jennie heart started beating faster.
"Mr Barista... when are you coming back.."Jennie called but was answered with silence.

Suddenly light went off and the noises became more loud. The only light in the room was from fireplace.Jennie got scared and wrapped herself in her arms.

"Hey Jennie...You alright.."

A familiar voice calmed her nerves. She stood up and hugged him tightly.Neil stood still with coffee mugs in his both hands.

"These voices...what took you so long..." Jennie spoke while her head was burried in his chest.

"I..we are in the middle of forest so..just harmless animals..."

Upon hearing his voice again Jennie came to her senses and withdrew herself from him.

"Don't worry..You're safe here" Neil spoke and then an awkward silent covered the room.

Jennie sat down next to fireplace. Neil handed her the mug of coffee and sat besides her. Jennie took a sip of coffee,

"I've been having weird dreams..with creepy voices~it's been traumatising me..." Jennie spoke.

"From when..." Neil asked.

"From the time I've been here...for the paintings~"

Neil looked at the fire and didn't said anything.

"I am sorry about earlier.."Jennie continued.

"For what..." Neil asked in confusion.

"about...the hug..." Jennie cheeks turned red.
"umm..that's completely okay with me..."
Neil looked around while smirking.


"Bella..Bella...where are you..?"
Nicholas called for Bella while looking around the hut. A curtain moved and Nicholas realized she was hiding behind the curtain.He walked slowly toward the curtain and grabbed Bella tightly in to hug.

"There you are~"

Bella struggled wrapped in the curtain.

"Let me go.."

Nicholas let go gently and Bella came out of the curtain.

"Why are always grabbing me like I am your prey..." she spoke while raising her eyebrows.

"Why are always hiding like I am gonna prey...I didn't grabbed...I hugged~" Nicholas cheeks turned slightly red.

Bella smiled and teased,

"A monster Hug~"

"Did I hurt you..I am sorry~" Nicholas eyes became worried.

"I don't mind...the monster hug is completely okay with me~"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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