Say that I look lovely

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Your POV.
Nov 12th 2017(Show wise)

You knocked on the door, it was Miguel's. He left school before you and you were the one friend that mainly walked besides Eli in the old friend group, so you made it to his house a half hour after school let out. You had your backpack hanging loosely on your shoulder, You were on your phone texting Your grandma you were hanging out with Miguel for abit, she texted back 'Finally getting out, happy for you. Dinner will be done for you when you get back x' After smiling at the text you looked up to the opening door and being greeted by Miguel “Hey!”He said, the smile on his face being wider than you could imagine on a cartoon. “Hey Miggy,” You smile back, It made your heart lock seeing him really happy, “Your Abuela Home?”You asked, You knew his mom was a nurse and his Abuela was mainly a stay at home type of gal. He shook his head letting you in “Nah, She's out getting groceries. She knows you're gonna be over tho don't get nervous.” He laughs abit before shutting the door and shuffling over to his fridge. You set your backpack down next to the Couch and sit down at the table. “Soo, we don't have Many options but that'll change when my Abuela gets back. BUT Would you care for someee...”He pauses holding a bottle in his hand as he comes over to the table and sets it down “Ginger Ale!”

You looked at the Bottle then back at him a few times before you sighed“Of course idiot, why would I give up and offer for the best medicine?” Laughing together for the first time in awhile, He opened one of the cupboards and takes out a cup, he placed it down on the table and poured the drink.

“So, what movie shall we introduce ourselves into today?” Miguel asks, scooting the cup over to you. He didn't really have an actual idea for a NEW movie to watch, since whenever there was a new one you both used to always watch them instantly. Almost the day after they came out back when it was just the friends they used to have.

Miguel's POV

She laughs, taking the cup in her hand and taking a big gulp. She hesitated for a few minutes, I could tell she was thinking. She'd scrunch her nose up sometimes and stare off into space before snapping herself back to with an idea or while remembering something, it made me laugh sometimes when she looked clueless.

She snapped back and put the drink down, getting all excited. It was cute, she got up and grabbed her phone, opening one of the apps she had on her phone. Quickly scrolling and then showing me the phone excitedly. It was Beauty and the beast, the live action one. We saw it in theaters when we were in 5th grade. She was always fascinated by the Concept of beauty and the beast. Always wanting to find the true beauty from someone she didn't care what they looked like- wait I'm zoning out.

"Miguel!!”I hear her snap and I look down to her, “Shit I'm so sorry- had a moment.” I laughed, putting my hand on the table to keep me up “We can totally watch it. I completely forgot about the live action version if I'm gonna be honest with you”

She shook her head putting her phone on the table and sliding over to the couch, we had really smooth floors for an apartment so whenever she came over she would act as if it was ice, one day she Almost broke her nose because of it. It made me laugh but it didn't stop her from continuing to do it ever. I followed her with my own phone while opening DisneyPlus+, looking up beauty and the beast to watch for us.

Your POV

You turned on the TV and switched it to HDMI 2 so he could cast it onto the TV, You took one side of the couch as he let himself fall onto the other side of it. He pressed the cast button and the movie started. You were excited, Disney movies were a big thing for you so you liked getting an opportunity to watch it with other people.

Miguel's POV

A little bit into the movie, where Belle is talking to the wardrobe, my Abuela walks into the apartment to see us on the couch watching the movie. I looked back at her with a smile as I see her cheesing at the sight, she comes over to me and pats me on my shoulder before whispering “Buen trabajo pasando el rato con ella otra vez, espero que le digas cómo te sientes lo suficientemente pronto, chico” (Translated:Good job hanging out with her again, I hope you tell her how you feel soon, boy) as she does one last pat and makes her way to the kitchen to unload the groceries while smiling I feel my face heat up, I told my Abuela I was going to try and be closer with Y/N alot more but I didn't know how, so she suggested asking her to come over, slowly make my own way from there with time. It was dreadful being patient for something like this, But for Y/N ? I'd wait a million years or through a hundred relationships.

“Cariño, ¿te gustaría un poco (Favorite snack)?” (Honey, would you like some (Favorite snack)) I hear my abuela call to Y/N , I know she doesn't understand a lot of what my Abuela says most the time so I used to teach her a lot of things she might ask her and she always asks her if she wants her Favorite snack each time she comes over. I looked over to Y/N whos eyes were practically all wide eyed with excitement. “Sí, por favor ! ” she calls before getting up and speed walking over into the kitchen to see my Abuela. It was fun, I liked seeing her excited, and happy. Mainly happy out of everything.

Your POV

You basically almost fell from the sliding on the floor but quickly got yourself steady as Miguel's Abuela took out (Favorite Snack) from one of the bags, placing it down on the counter smiling at you all excited for just a snack. You grabbed a plate and papertowels , opening the snack and putting it into the plate. You looked over to see Miguel watching the movie with a smile on his face, it made you laugh abit. Taking the plate and papertowels over to the couch with a small slide onto the carpet, Handing him the plate and tossing yourself onto The other side of the couch, if you did that it probably would have went everywhere when in your hands. You kicked his leg abit “Hand it over Mista” He laughed at you before handing over the plate before stealing One of (Favorite snack). You smacked his hand laughing at him try to hurry up and eat it, he failed and picked up the small mess he made. You averted your eyes back towards the TV, Grinning as belle was finally going downstairs for dinner but without the beast.

You could see from your peripheral vision, a smile spread across his face as he watched you admire the TV. You enjoyed this, you were with him, and he was with you. Well and you were both with his Abuela. But she came to the side of the couch and sat on a rocking chair.

It all just right, this is where you wanted to be.

𝑴𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 [𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang