Butterfly Kisses.

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Your grandma was getting you ready to get dressed to see Miguel, she had multiple different outfits out for your choosing. It was currently snowing hard outside and close to a blizzard for the weekend so she wanted you to try to be comfortable but fashionable. You looked in your room to see a bunch of outfits from clothes you didn't even know you had in your closet.

You laughed from how all out your grandma was going before picking one of the outfits, getting changed and leaving your room to show your Grandma with a twirl. She clapped abit with a smile "You look lovely, I'd be surprised if he doesn't Ask you out today" She said, with a grin on her face. She was making cookies for you to take on, what she called, your date. "Grandmaa! Shush, I don't even think it's gonna be like that" You blushed and Shook your head, taking the plastic box container to hold the cookies in.

Waiting about just 20 minutes for the cookies to be done was like waiting five hours to get to disneyland, Once they were done your grandma carefully packed them into a container and your tote bag. With a kiss of a forehead she eagered you out the door, where it wasnt snowing too much but just enough for an inch to be added every 30 minutes. You put on your gloves and scarf while walking to the address Miguel Mentioned in the letter, It was to the Light show you wanted to get tickets too since it was sort of a fundraiser at the same time. Just thinking about the fact he remembered you talking about it made you smile, and feel warm inside even though it was 34 degrees outside.

As you got closer to the Main entrance for the Light show, you tried to see if you could spot Miguel anywhere in the front where the ticket booth was but you couldnt see anything for the better of you because of the snow. You sighed, holding the bag closer to your side getting doubts if he would show, he was going to show right? You ask yourself that multiple times before you felt an arm wrap around your waist an another hand take yours to twirl you and face them, It was miguel and he had the dorkiest smile on and you couldnt help but chuckle at the fact of how he was acting, It made you absolutely melt, yes indeed it did. "You were wandering off i was scared you were gonna go in without this," He said, Holding up the tickets he bought beforehand.

You smiled before realizing he was hugging you around your waist, You cleared your throat and stood back looking around "So Mr.Diaz, Any reason to Buying us tickets to a light show I talked about once before winter even began? And inviting me through a Letter like a Crow?" You questioned, No friend you had ever had in your life would just randomly do something like this to you, or buy anything for you. So it was weird. "What? Can't I do something awesome for my friend?" He laughed while saying it, doubt in his voice. Hearing the nervous tone you smile and took one of the tickets and turned facing the entrance "Well lead the way Mr.Diaz" You said, and he nodded and took you inside, "Inside" was more of so outside but with big fancy lights Covering EVERYTHING.


You were amazed by all the lights, sure there were pictures of it all the time on Instagram but you wanted to see it in person, Mainly because it led all the way towards the lake, some people mainly Would go on row boats on the lake and Use the lanterns you'd see in the hit movie Tangled.

You knew the tickets probably only got you to the end and not the boat, maybe you'd Buy a ticket next year for it. Feel special doing it on your own for once.

While being amazed by the lights you could visually see the snow getting heavier than how it was when you first arrived, It really looked like a magical movie to you. So much you didn't realize you guys were already at the end, Realizing as well... there was a small lake boat near the end of the docks. Just one, You looked over your shoulder realizing there quite literally were no one behind the two of you. You started to feel a little nervous, did he waste more money than what he already should have? What was he plotting? Was he gonna drown you or something? Before you could ask he grabbed your hand but let go almost instantly as if he wasn't supposed to do that, yet.

“Miguel, don't tell me you bought extended tickets. I didn't want this.” You said, Not to say it wasn't something you weren't grateful for but it felt selfish to have someone waste that type of money on you when you weren't expecting it“I thought we were going through just the lights?” You asked , Putting your hands in your pockets. “Well hold on, I know, but i just have something planned. It's awesome. Alot of people helped me out with it and it took a lot of persuading to get done so before you say no” He got the Ors ready on the boat and took off the rope from the dock. “Will you Join me in a little boat ride?”

Without a doubt you knew something was up, Was the entire town in on killing you? Who knew, but He had this geeky little smile on his face as he held his hand out to help you into the boat and you couldn't help but take it and he helped you on being so gentle too make sure you didn't fall into the water, then got in himself and sat across from you so he could steer with the ors. You felt nervous, something in the pit of your stomach felt like you just knew something was going to happen, but you couldn't tell whether it was going to be good or bad. He grabbed a ‘Floating Lantern’ from behind him and place it Infront of you both. He had a lighter and placed it besides it “For when we get near the middle, you can light it.” He smiled with his hands on the top of the ors and started to row backwards so your boat would start towards the center. As he rowed, you slowly started to notice lights like the lanterns appear near the wooded area around the lake. You felt warm inside seeing it, a smile subconsciously growing on your face. Before you could realize, You felt a hand gently touch yours.

“Y/N, Care to light the lantern?” Miguel asked, you looked at him and nodded, picking up the lighter and he held up the lantern for you to light it up. After you did he held one end and you held the other, With a count of 3 you both lifted it up and it floated into the sky with ease. You smiled, but from the corner of your eyes you could see the lights from the edges were being lifted into the sky almost a few minutes after yours. It made you feel like this was a movie, The snow had calmed down and it was only light enough to where the lanterns wouldn't be brought down.

“You, look, mesmerizing right now.” Miguel spoke softly as he stopped rowing and set the ors down gently between the two of you. He lightly took your hands and looked into your eyes but it was hard for the both of you to keep eye contact. He made you nervous and you did the same to him. His expression changed to a ‘Finally’ type of look and you tilted your head. “Can you look to the side of you?” He asked. You did, You turned on your seat and saw far near the docks where you came from were lit up signs, Asking you, Y/N To be Miguel's Girlfriend(or boyfriend we love all of you dummy's)

You were shocked to see the works of the lights. Lanterns passing by and floating near the water. You had the dumbest smile across your face and couldnt help but look back at his and nod excessively ”Hell yes!” You exclaimed. He smiled and his hands on yours tightened a little. You couldn't help it but you quickly climbed over the small seating and kissed him, he let go of your hands and put them against your face. The both of you were excited but didn't want to tumble over the boat so you sat back down on the other side and the glisten between you two was enough to just make you both smile. You.both could hear distinct cheers from the docks. All of your friends you made over the year since you first came to the highschool last year.

You were both finally together.

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