Profile: Koji Koda

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"That's right. I got into , my dream school... At U.A., it's always about moving forward! That's what we tell ourselves... Plus Ultra!!"

Class 1-A

Name: Koji Koda

Hero Name: Anima

Quirk: Anivoice

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 1

Age: 16 (currently)

Height: 6'1'' (186 cm)

Blood Type: A

Hair Color: n/a

Eye Color: Black

Relatives: n/a

Personality: Contrary to his powerful and brutish appearance, Koji is a very shy and quiet person. As such, he rarely speaks and prefers using sign language to communicate with his classmates, so much so that Kyoka Jiro assumed that he was mute and was greatly surprised when Koji spoke. According to Fumikage Tokoyami, he is very good at keeping secrets. He also hates violence due to his kind-hearted nature.

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