Part 2, Chapter 4 - Twilight

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The holidays passed by in a blur of wet snow and runny noses. The most noteworthy events were as follows:

Emmett was dared to talk in a country accent for a whole week in which Rose got to learn he had lived in Tennessee before he lived with the Cullens.

Rosalie had gotten asked out by a total of ten boys and two girls. She would politely but firmly reject each one, and after every time Emmett would agree to allowing Rosalie to drive to school without him standing up in the car. He strangely lived to stand up in cars.

Jacob had crashed his dad's truck into a tree after claiming he saw a huge black wolf in the middle of the road. While Embry and Quil mocked him for it, Rose believed him. She always hoped there really was wolves in the woods protecting everyone like the tribe legends spoke of.

Christmas came and went and it was on New years day that Rose got the call from Bella that she was coming on the seventeenth to come with with them. Apparently Phil and Renee were going to travel with Phil's team, again and Bella had finally decided she didn't want to move state to state anymore.

Rose was just as excited as she was nervous. She voiced as much to Jared and Paul when the two had come to her house to spend the night. Charlie was staying late at the office and since it was the last Saturday of winter break, there was no problem with the two coming over. Even with the late night, he was going to pop by before going out to meet up with Carlisle and Esme.

"Who knows, maybe she'll wanna
go looking for wolves with you. It could be fun." Jared was joking about the situation which eased Rose's strange nerves a bit. Paul had her sitting on his lap as the three sat on the couch. She had her side pressed against his middle and had her head laying on his shoulder. The tv was playing whatever cartoon Jared had put on. Paul was rubbing soothing circles on her exposed stomach with his thumb as he held her.

"I'm just saying, Bella could end up loving Forks. Or she may just decide to skip town as soon as she gets here. Either way, you won't have your bitch of a mother pitting you to against each other." Rose gasped at his harsh words of her mother. Paul laughed and fist bumped him.

"Ugh you two hurt my head." She shook her head.

"Ah but you love us." Paul smiled down at her. "Fine I do. But only a little."

Jared started smirking. "Only a little you say." He inched closer to her and started tickling her. She laughed and tried to kick him off when the two fell on the floor leaving Paul on the couch laughing at their antics. Rose and Jared wrestled until she sat on him while he laid on the floor and held his arms down above his head.

"Ha! See? I win!" Rose looked at Paul in victory who had a strange look in his eyes. His eyes were dark, with his pupils blown wide and he lightly bit his bottom lip as he looked at the two. Rose looked down at Jared underneath her as she realized what position she was in. She had found herself straddling Jared, pining his arms and her face was a couple inches away from his.

She froze and felt Jared's warm breathing fanning her hair. His head lifted as he slowly inched his face towards hers, his eyes looking from hers to her lips. Rose licked her lips on reflex and Jared's arms flexed under her hands. His own lips parted a hair and he was about to make contact with her when they heard the door handle jiggle, scaring the three as Rose jumped up and off of Jared just as her dad entered. He smiled as he beheld the sight of Paul and Jared.

"Hey boys, how are you doing?" Jared popped up and shook Charlie's hand. "We're doing fantastic." Paul spoke his agreement and got up walking past saying he needed to use the restroom. Rose was slightly flustered, so she quickly pulled herself together and hugged her dad. He kissed her head and asked if the three had eaten yet. Rose shook her head and he meandered to the kitchen to lay some money down for them to order something.

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