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This was recommended by Bonefang on Wattpad. They asked me for a Buzz Lightyear story. Here's some ideas from our conversations:

"Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Mira Nova x OC Scarlet Scarab Reader"

The scarlet scarab is the Earth 3 version of the blue beetle and from batman brave and the bold.

The scarlet scarab is the earth 3 version of blue beetle he has a red scarab on his back that could help Buzz Lightyear and his team to defeat Zurg.

But how is Adam and buzz lightyear and his team? How is Adam Octavius going to meet Buzz Lightyear and his team?

Pretty much Adam can meet Buzz after he decides to work alone and he can meet Mira Nova in the training room.

Adam octavius appearance is that he is a brown tall muscular man with a purple muscle shirt along with blue pants and black boots and he has blue eyes and blonde mouldet and he has Kamen rider ghost symbol on his chest.

Adam can say when he sees zurg does it look like I need your power from sonic the hedgehog 2

There are 9 chapters for buzz lightyear of star command mira nova x oc scarlet scarab reader:

1) Meeting buzz lightyear

2) buzz getting a new partner

3) meeting mira nova

4) buzz and xr vs agent z

5) showdown on plant z

6) scarlet scarab vs zurg

7) team lightyear is born

8) Adam octavius and mira nova date

9) ending

Adam can tell buzz zurg is his father for the story

Anywho, what do you guys think? I am planning on writing this story. Maybe add elements from the Lightyear Movie with a few crossover characters. I'm still planning things out, but yeah what do you think?


OC Name: Adam Octavius

Gender: Male



Scarlet Beetle Scarab: Bonded to Adam's spine, this symbiosis gives him access to its powers whenever he chooses. The Scarab can, and will, use its powers of its own accord; Adam, however, can override the Scarab if need be. Should he fall prey to a mind-altering power, the Scarab will take control of the armor.

Metamorphosis: Sometimes called "shape shifting", Metamorphosis is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to alter their physical structure into a variety of shapes and sizes. It differs from Transformation because the user is not limited to one form or a direct form. In many cases, the shifter in question can alter their form to mimic the physical characteristics of people or animals. Some shape shifters can mimic another's form down to the molecular level, while others may be hampered by certain restrictions.

Weaponry: The Scarab grants Adam a suit of alien armor that allows him the ability to form weapons (such as an energy cannon) in combat.

- Sound Manipulation: Sometimes called sound control, Sound Manipulation is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to generate or manipulate and control various audio waves for different purposes. Some can generate hypersonic waves and sonic bursts in various colors; such as purple, green, or blue, but are mostly colorless and clear. Certain characters generate a cry that becomes physical in nature, others could control others based on sound.

- Energy Projection: Sometimes called "Energy Manipulation", Energy Projection is the ability to generate and project varying waves of energy from a metahuman's body. Such energy can take the form of concentrated blasts, concussive explosions, waves of force or self-perpetuating beams. These beams can come from anywhere and be used or directed in a large numbers of ways depending on the character whether it's defensive or offensive.

- Pyrokinesis: Sometimes called "pyromancy", Pyrokinesis is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to generate and control superheated plasma, fire and/or lightning. Some characters can only manipulate fire but cannot generate it making it necessary to obtain fire some other way. Most, however, can simply generate fire from their hands and burst it out towards their enemies.

- Flight: The scarab grants Adam a suit of alien armor that allows him flight.

- Superhuman Durability: While in armor, Adam is capable of surviving attacks that would kill a normal human.

- Scanners: Sometimes called "Superhuman Senses", Enhanced Senses covers the ability to perceive the world in greater detail than the five sense the average human possesses. This includes augmented or superior versions of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste as well as "extra" senses.

- Translation: The scarab also allows him to translate alien languages.

- Superhuman Strength: The armor also enhances his strength to superhuman levels.

- Mechanokinesis: Sometimes called "Mechanical Communication", "Technopathy" or "Technokinesis", Mechanokinesis is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to mentally control technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". To a finer extent, this ability allows the user to control or manipulate these devices or pieces of machinery simply because of their technological process.

- Technomorphy:

- Plasma Cannon:

- Wings:

- Melee Weapon Projection:

Energy Pulse:

Energy Shield:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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