The kims

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I have been working in a news department along with my childhood best friend. From childhood II have craze for exploring places,,especially horro ones. Even though many people warned me but i being stubborn of all.

From past few days me and many teams were making research on an incident few days ago case's of murder was increasing and thses murders were happening at same specific spot near house.

It said that the house was owned by rich business man but the house was burned by one of his enemy sadly the family was burned in fire. But there is rumour that Kim's spirit has been roaming around.

In my opinion things like ghost are totally fake they never got to exist in world. I came up with plans that me and my team will visit house and complete our research to present it.

It was Saturday morning I was packing some important stuff that's when my mom called

Mom: take care SEO

SEO: mom ok

I don't know why mom was worried but I shrugged of and made my way to my final destination along with my firends:lisa laim jiwoo mina. We all reached near the abandoned road and got off from the cab we booked. I counted all members to make sure we are complete.

While walking everyone of us get a creepy feeling but we didn't express thinking as it's childish.

Few moments later we reached the house it was mansion more like Kim's empire. We were stunned by richness of Mr kim.
We entered house amd decided to split up group 1 mina jiwoo

Group 2 me Liam Lisa.

Group 2 was investigating downstairs while Group 1 was upstairs. We have walkie talkie and defensive stuff with us. We 3 were walking when all off us heard creepy voice that sent chills down to our spine. We were going through Halls looking through picture of family taking pics of burned house and notimg down few important things .

While we were walking we heard a scream

Laim: it's jiwoo

I tried to contact them through walkie talkie but we heard a ghosty voice I panicked and shaked the walkie talkie violently but mina speak through jiwoo walkie talkie


before I could speak the signals went off I worriedly looked at my friends but then I noticed a creepy figure behind Lisa out fear I shouted

Soe: Behind you

Piotnimg at Lisa but all of sudden she was pushed back with great force making her flew in air. Me and Liam tired to catch her but it happen so fast. She was pushed to another hall. I fall down ammd covered my ears amd tightly closed my eyes not wanting hear painful scream Lisa. Or witness any bloody snece.

I felt some one walk beside me with speed of light cold wind was blew again sending chills down spine. I screamed in horror seeing Liam state seems like some one purposely hitted him on his head with hammer his brain was leaked. I screamed in horro more blood was ozing from his sulk. I stared at my dead friend when all of sudden he tightly hold my hand I tired to yankaway but it got more tighter I started to get panic I tried to scream but the voice wasn't not coming out of my thorat.


The realization hits me and I was hallucinating. I stumbled at my place not knowing what to do. I desperately ran through hall finding way out but it was getting endless. While I was running I heard loud noise I startled at,,m y place and stare into rook which was well designed but still burned I entered amd saw a red balloon 🎈 flying in air going to restroom. It stopped at its tracks and popped with huge noise making me flinch more. I looked around room and found picture of 7 brothers. The book was well maintained seems like the person was holding it tightly when fire entered into room, I opened book amd ram through pages there was one portion of book that sys my hyungs. There were names written " namjoom seokjin hoseok yoongi jimin taehyung jungkook " as I was seeing something fall on my hand taking a close view

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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