Kissing Your Wounds

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Words filled with hatred, and bitterness flooded out of the Cade household as Johnny ran out of his "house", tripping over the steps causing him to fall to his face causing more wounds to appear on his already damaged face, before quickly getting up, and running further, and further away from the house.

The bitter cold air bit at his exposed skin, and wounds as he started to slow down in his track when he got far enough away from his "home", he dipped down shakingly grabbing at his knees as he took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Blood droplets fell to the concrete ground away from the frightened boy's face, bringing up his hand to weakly wipe his damaged face, only to look down and see blood almost placed all over his hand, he started to get up. His eyes tried to adjust to his dark surroundings as he tried to figure out where he was.

The lot... the lot was where he was at. Normally, Johnny would have to kneel down to the ground, start a fire, and sleep on the broken car seat, but right now with the agonizing pain that had been filling up his body throughout the whole night, he couldn't just sleep through it as he did before, he needed help. He sighed, wrapping his arm around his stomach, the most injured place in his whole body, and he started to make his way to the Curtis household.

Standing in front of the Curtis house gates, Johnny's mind was not running its usual thoughts about him feeling like a burden to the family, or what his boyfriend, Sodapop, would think of him, finding him this late at night asking for help, it was just thinking about the way Sodapop was going to be there for him, make him feel like he had no reason to feel like a burden, or say sorry that was all he was thinking about as he walked up the steps, and that is all he wanted right now love, and comfort is all he needed right now.

Opening the front door, Johnny was greeted with warm, and sweet air rushing to his face to invade his nostrils, adjusting his eyes to the soft lighting from the living room light. Taking off his shoes, and about to put his jacket on the coat hanger, Sodapop peaked out of the kitchen going to greet Johnny with a warm, and a soft smile on his face"Hey-a Babycakes-" Sodapop's soft smile soon faded into a frown when he took a look at his boyfriend, "Oh baby, what happened?" He slowly approached the other boy, putting his hand on Johnny's cheek, where there was a big bruise right on top of his scar, rubbing his cheek slowly around in circles.

Johnny looked up at him with eyes filled with sadness, "My parents got into a fight again..." he purred, leaning into his boyfriend's touch, "Oh baby," Sodapop muttered, leaning down to plant a short soft kiss on his lips, "how about I get you all cleaned up, and get to cuddling, huh?" Johnny quickly nodded "good," he said quietly, Sodapop brushed the hair out of his face, planting a kiss on his forehead, interviewing their hands as Sodapop led Johnny to the bathroom.

Starting up the hot water, Sodapop left Johnny to watch the water as he went out into his room to get them some clothes, when the tube was filled with steamy warm water Johnny started to strip down naked, and get into the water. Soon the cold feeling on his skin was gone as he lowered himself down into the bathtub, replacing the cold surface with a warm one, he sat there for a few seconds, splashing the warm water around, before Sodapop entered the bathroom again clothes for both of the boys, before setting them down on the toilet's closed lit.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" Sodapop asked as he started to get ready to get into the bathtub, "I wasn't doing so great, but now that I'm here with you, I'm better" Johnny answered, the water splashed around his body as Sodapop steadily got into the bathtub, from behind his boyfriend, he wrapped his arms around him, placing his head on the shorter boy's shoulder, hoping it was not putting any pressure on the bruise that was placed on the boy's shoulder. "Good good," Sodapop dabbed the rag into the water, before carefully dapping the rag on Johnny's skin, hoping it was not causing him any pain in any kind of way.

"How have you been?" Johnny asked, wanting the silence between them to end "I've been okay lately, just been thinking about you lately honey" Sodapop squeezed some shampoo out of his hands, massaging Johnny's hair, "Oh really" Johnny smiled at the feeling of Sodapop's hands in his hair, "Yeah, I've been thinking about taking you out somewhere for a nice date, maybe go to a diner, or somewhere real fancy" finishing up Johnny's hair, Sodapop started to clean his own hair, "Awww, I'm fine to out anywhere with you, you don't have to spend too much money on me" Johnny turned around, placing his lips on Sodapop's cheek, "Oh but, I wanna spoil you, rotten baby!" Sodapop stopped rubbing his scalp with the shampoo, wrapping his arms around Johnny pulling him real close to land a kiss on his soft and so kissable lips.

Johnny broke the kiss as he giggled, his cheeks blushing with warmth. Adding soap to the rag, he ran the rag up, and down Johnny's perfect body, "God, how I love you" Sodapop said, his hands running further down Johnny's body to tease him a little bit, Johnny giggled, pushing him away. The two boys splashed each other with the now not-so-warm water anymore, before Sodapop was done cleaning Johnny.

Draining the water, Sodapop was the first one to get out of the tub, putting on the clothes that he had chosen, which consisted of black boxers, a gray undershirt, and his red flannel, "I'm done" Soda said, facing the bathroom door as Johnny started to get ready, only putting on the boxers that were given to him as Sodapop had to clean his wounds. "Okay, turn around" and so did Sodapop, trying to contain his shock at seeing the biggest bruise on Johnny's right side of his stomach that extended almost over to his left side which he didn't see when they were in the tub. Sodapop grabbed some badges, wrapping them around his stomach, and shoulder, putting on some for his big bruise on his face, and for some of the small cuts that were plastered all over his body that probably came from his father hitting him with a beer bottle.

"Wait" Sodapop whispered into Johnny's ear as he was about to put on the white shirt, and the Soda's green flannel. Sodapop wrapped his hand around his waist, holding him still before he spun Johnny around. Johnny looked at Soda, not knowing what was about to happen next, Sodapop leaned down to Johnny's stomach planting light kisses for some of his old, and mostly for his new wounds, plating them all the way up to his scar, and the big bruise that was on top of it, before getting down again just to place a big kiss on his left chest, before pulling Johnny into one passionate kiss.

All of this affection and touching caused Johnny to have his whole face turn a dark red, with a massive smile on his face as Sodapop rubbed his cheek continuing to kiss him for a few minutes, before he pulled away, letting his boyfriend get dressed, before whispering "How about we get to sleep now baby?" and as soon as the words felt Sodapop's mouth he nodded eagerly, "good" he whispered, pulling Johnny into Sodapop's shared room.

When the two boy's entered Sodapop's room, a thought popped into Johnny's head, "Where's Pony, and Darry?" Sodapop laid down in bed putting the covers over himself, "Oh he's sleeping over at Two-bits with Dally, and Darry's already asleep. Now come here" Sodapop pulled Johnny into his bed, the two boy's wrapped their arms around each other, holding each other close as Sodapop placed a few more kisses on Johnny, before the two soon fell asleep.

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