Chapter 2-------Limbo,Haven and the Dsmp...-------

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Warning of:Swearing,mansion of death...

"W-w- where are we going Kristen?""Youll see Y/N...""wait where do you know my name from?""Y/N, I am the god of death i know if someon died...and their names...""k"We went into a big room and as i went innit(Tommy...Lmao) is felt warmth around me.Thare ware standing bookshelfes all over the walls,a bed,and other things.the furnuture was made out of wood probebly oak.Thare also was a door but i coulnt see through it..."Welcom in haven kid...""W-W- what? but you just said we are in limbo?!"As Kristen opened up the door i saw a giant flower fielt on clouds."Y/N Your not meant to be in ware a good person kid.""Thanks Kristen!""Just call me Mom my chield...""Okay then mom..."I got out side and went exploring.It was bautiful!"

4 Months later---------------------------

"Y/N?" "Yea?Whats up mom?""You did a great job my chield!""Thanks but- What did i do?""You dont have to know by now...Can i asked you something Y/N/N?""Yes sure mom!""Do you wanna be a god,just like me?"I coulnt belive that  she just asked me that."Sure...""Welp,Thare you go but please dont do shit..."My vision got blurry and i woke up in a familiar place..."Wtf?Is that the fucking Dsmp?""Excuse me? Who the fuck are you?"I heared a voice behind sounded chield-ish"Who are you?""Oh,i am bid man t but you can just call me big T?""K,Well i am Big Y/F/L/O/Y/N(the first letter of your name..) but you can just call me now realtalk,whats your name?""My name is Tommy""Oh i see a chield...""Fuck you i am older!So whats your name Bitch?""Y/N..."Soooooo wanna be something like frieds with me?Or you just here to get on my fucking nervs?"I saw how he got red in the face and i probely got too..."Welp we can if you want to...""okay come with me bitch..."

An:Welp looks like i am only gonna write short chapters...Ill let you guys dicide in the commets, what tommy and Y/N are gonna do on the smp...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...*vanishes*

Also 320 Words...

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