The kid talk :)

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- S : where's Nat !? Clint !!?-
- C : im trying to find her -
- T : careful more shootings from here !!

The avengers were all attacking a base from hydra to put an end to it , all working dangerously but still quickly . None bruised .
A lot of agents were down but still there had some more coming from outside the base and not inside .

- N : if you could stop worrying about me and do your job we'd finish faster ! -
- S : don't keep yourself quiet next time Romanoff !

Steve shouts really having freaked out since a bomb passed close to her but didn't touch her .
Clint grunt fighting against three agents and tony managing to stop more agents .
All having been fighting for over an hour now and the base almost down , not having any prisoners which seemed weird but more for Nat she knew deep down that there was someone there that needed help which is why she was fighting in the most dangerous place , the entry of the base which lead to cells of prisoners AND a machine with bombs ready to go on if anyone comes around .

She goes to shot an agent but freeze slightly seeing a kid walking out of the base shakily only wearing a gown , bare feet and looking dirty and freaked out .

Focusing back she kills two agents coming to her quickly as everything turn silent the mission being done now and over , Nat look back at the kid hearing her shaky little voice

- Y/n : m-mama ... mama ...
- N : hi sweetie ? Hey come here

Nat says kneeling down letting the child come to her slowly , as she was in replay asking for the same thing her mother .

- N : what's your little name huh ? Are you hurt ?
- Y/n : ... mama
- N : come here , are you cold little one - ouh you're freezing
- Y/n : .. i c-cold

The child mumbles shakily and shaking like a leaf her feet moving on the grass covered in cold snow .

- N : yeah - yeah darling, I'll warm you up you're safe .. you want to give me your hands ? Like this ?

Nat says opening her hands close to the girl to let her take them as the child keep looking for a bit before taking them and getting even closer

- N : good girl , you're a brave girl
- Y/n : mama
- N : .. we're gonna find her ok ? We're going to find her together , you want me to take you and warm you up ?
- Y/n : .. warm ..

She mumbles looking down at Nats hands warming hers as Nat nod her head and gently squeezing the kid's hands

- S : Nat we're done !
- T : to who are you talking ??
- N : you'll see soon give me a second

Natasha says through her coms before gently letting go off the girl's hands

- N : here , wanna come in my arms ? Come here ?

She mumbles opening her arms and letting the girl come closer not wanting to force her into anything even tho she needed to save her from here , the girl wrap her arms around Nat's neck holding her tightly as she whimpers quietly but stays onto her .

Natasha bring the child to the team assembling close to the cars and don't take a look at their shocked faces as she bring the girl in a car taking a blanket immediately to wrap her in .

- N : look at that , you like it ?

She says smiling seeing the child smile at the fluffy and warm feeling of the blanket , she nod her head at Nat's questions and smiles softly

- C : hey

Clint says coming in and close the door of the car sitting next to the kid

- C : I Hope you had the kid talk with Barnes -
- N : Barton dont

She says giving him a look , and shake her head

- N : he would want us to help her, she's a baby ...

She add caressing the girl's hair gently as she snuggles up onto Nat naturally and close her eyes .

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