Meeting Von

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Chapter 3

Seti rested in bed reading the electronically transmitted jail record. There was missing piece something wasn't right with this crime. Her T.V rang. Hello? This the the Telacom curator you have a call from cryo sleep Mr. Parish is returning your request of call do you accept? Yes I accept. Proceed.

Hello? Seti inhaled sharply he had Ewan's voice hi. Seti? Yes this is she. Hi sweetheart thank you for contacting me. You're welcome how are you in cryo-sleep but you are speaking? My brain still works my body is frozen solid but my mind is linked to a transmitter this allows me to communicate. So you think it and I can hear it? Yes. Wow that's amazing. Haha not to me it's not.

There was a comfortable quiet. Im sorry for your loss. Thank you same to you. I think im smiling I can't be to sure. Haha Ewan said you were the funny one. Did he? Yes sir. Well I hope to make you laugh more tell me about you. I have some of my brothers memories he gifted them to me as his memory beneficiary and you are in a lot of them. I see you everyday yet I don't know you. What do you want to know?

Why you loathe sushi? Hehe its that black wrap they use it's slimy Von. I love sushi all kinds I can eat it all day. I have to warn you Seti.

What? Im a foodie and I gotta keep a gym membership or I would be fat. Ewan use to tell me we aren't identical if you weigh more. So he made you watch your weight? Yes. Why?

He paused clearly hiding something you know I never asked he was older so I just listened. I hear you get out of there soon. Yes ma'am. Do you have a place to stay? Not yet no. Your brother and I own a beach house I mean the water is simulated and the sunrises and sunsets because we are located in Midtown Manhattan but I like it. We have a pool house you are welcome to it. Is the pool a simally? No Hehe it's real. I love swimming. Enjoy it.

What you don't swim? No. Surrounded by fake water and real water and you don't swim why? I almost drowned as a kid traumatized me. They tried holographic therapy, hypnosis, PTSD reenactment nothing worked.

Did anyone just teach you how to swim? Seti scoffed thinking back no they didn't. All that money wasted your parents must be wealthy. They were. Were? They died in the water wars. So sorry baby. Sorry I didn't mean to call you that I---

Don't apologize I know you feel like you know me I have the same feeling its odd Im sitting here saying to myself he is not Won he is Von. You called him Won? Yes when we were alone. I think I saw that...yeah I saw it. Are you really identical Von? Down to the beauty mark on our left arm yes ma'am.

The Twin counsel gave us the identity vaccine when we were born. Really?! Yes ma'am our mother tried to fight it but it's the law now. They use it to identify the DNA in one of the set.

Which one of you took it? Ewan did because he was the oldest when I was arrested they gave me the vaccine test to make sure they had the right twin. Hahah wow. Yep. In the 20th century twins were serving time for crimes the other one committed. When families began to sue the justice system that's when the vaccine was developed by Hollings labs. You know they don't come up with many vaccines but when they do its harmless and always works.

When our mother heard they created the vaccine she felt better because they are the only African American owned pharmaceutical company and have our interests in mind Set.

Sorry Seti. Set is fine. Why did your mom name you that? Oh lord. What? Von laughed. I have to walk you through ancient Egypt? I'm an Egyptoligist it's my hobby you should see the house Won loved it afrocentric with a splash of sexy and history.

I saw it Set it's beautiful. I saw my brother hanging portraits. Oh she sounded let down. Listen Set I can see his memories but we need to make our own do you agree? Seti smiled I agree. Good. I gotta go we only have a one hour call per day. That's good.

I haven't had any incidents so I've worked myself up to that over the years. How can you have incidents in sleep? Violet thought patterns. Dreaming of killing or harming. Disrespect of staff when they speak with you. I told you our brain is 100% fully functioning it's our bodies that is preserved. We are allowed to integrate with society they want that so when we are released we transition easier.

Are you promised or intended Von? Me? That ship sailed years ago without me on it. I'm sorry. Don't be if she loved me she would have stood by me I know you would have stood by Ewan right?

Yes Von he was my life mate I was in love with him. I know baby my mother told me before she rose to ascension. Oh no... She told you she exercised her rights to parental arrangement? Yes haha. Ewan was so mad and mean when we met. Then he saw I was a good person and gave us a chance. Who put your name in Set? My mother as well she said ill let you choose all on your own but your name is going in!

She wants to add it again but I told her no one can replace my Don Won. Von grinned can I Telecom tomorrow? It would be Saturday her vaccine day. Sure after five sound good?

Yes ma'am. Goodnight Von. Blessed risings Seti. This is the curator has the detained said anything to make you uncomfortable? No Curator.

Very well thank you for using Telecom smiles. Seti hung up feeling whole.

Von played back all of Ewan's memories especially the way she laughed he drifted off content he had her to look forward too.

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