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She stared at the laptop in disbelief, hands over her mouth.  It couldn't be, could it?  Not after only one try?  People waited years for the chance.  She'd dreamed about it for so long and now it was really and truly happening.  She was going to Comicon International in San Diego!  

The screen blinked at her as the transaction was confirmed.  Tickets to all four days for her and her long-suffering cousin.  It was done.

"OH MY GOD PETER WE'RE GOING TO SAN DIEGO!!" she leapt from the seat and hugged him tightly.  She felt like she was 16 again - something she hadn't been for a VERY long time - and he laughed indulgently. Pulling back, she looked like a woman possessed.

"We have to get our Cosplay sorted and organise flights and a hotel and..." she started to reel off a long list, getting more and more excited as she went.  Peter grabbed her by the shoulders and hugged her again.  She stopped talking and just let the feeling wash over her.

"I'm so happy for you Lizzie" he said releasing her, "I know you've wanted this for so long - and I have to admit I'm pretty keen myself!" he let her go and looked solemn for a moment.  "Just one question though? "

"Yes?" she was a little concerned by his suddenly serious demeanour, this wasn't like Peter, he was usually the jokey one.

"How the bloody hell am I going to keep you from exploding with excitement between now and Hall H?"  he grinned and punched her lightly on the arm "and God help us if His Majesty ends up going.  I'll NEVER get you back to earth!"

"Ha ha, I have NO idea what you mean!" she stuck her tongue out at him and stalked off to get a drink.  It was all good-natured banter, she'd taken a ribbing for years now about her obsession with all things Marvel and especially one Loki Laufeyson, not to mention the actor who played him, Tom Hiddleston.  Lizzie had her own secret identity - boring accountant by day, Super-fangirl-nerd by night was how Peter put it to anyone rash enough to ask. 

As she sipped her tea and looked out onto a bleak November afternoon, she could only imagine the sunshine and the crowds and the chance to mingle with thousands of other likeminded people.  Maybe, just maybe, Tom would be there and maybe, just maybe she could get a photo with him.  She sighed and smiled, a grownup she may be, allegedly, but a little day dreaming did no-one any harm.  

After all, she'd met him once, twice was just beyond the realms of possibility...

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