Good Intentions

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Lizzie spent the rest of the day in a haze, Peter spent the rest of the day stopping her from wandering out into the traffic!  She was a complete disaster from the moment she stepped out of the booth.  He looked at her and smiled to himself.  She was the sensible one, the grownup of the two of them and now?  A blabbering mess of a smiling, giggling, fangirl. 

He was so happy for her.  Even if this was just a moment in time, which in all honesty it probably was, it was HER moment in time.  As they walked back to the hotel, he kept a close eye on her.  In her current state, it might be A&E that they had their date in!

Lizzie apologised to Peter at least 100 times in the lift back up to their rooms.  Much as she was overjoyed to be meeting Tom, she felt so bad that Peter would be on his own.  But as he said, 

"Look Lizzie, there's no way on God's green earth that (a) I'm going to stop you, (b) I couldn't if I tried and (c) do you REALLY think I want to watch you two make eyes at each other all night?  Not bloody likely.  Much rather watch tv and eat pizza in my room thanks very much.  You can give me the gory details later dear heart" he smirked and winked at her. She blushed and hit him on the arm.

"Don't be daft, there wont be ANY gory details - we're just meeting for a drink. He's just being friendly and polite that's all." she shrugged "and anyway, he'll be leaving tomorrow so that's that..." she sounded happier than she felt.  In truth, the thought that this would be the first and last time they got to do this made her heart sink.  It was reality though, and she was, even in her fangirl excitement, a realist.  Tom Hiddleston was a fully paid up movie star.  She was, putting it politely, just an ordinary girl with extra ordinary good luck.

Peter stopped outside his room and turned to her, "Lizzie, whatever happens - or doesn't - tonight I don't want you to have any regrets.  Be embarrassed by saying too much, doing too much or feeling too much.  Don't feel regret for a moment wasted ok?" he hugged her and smiled.  "Have the most wonderful time little Cuz, love you."

"Oh Peter, you're just the best. Love you too, now get in there and get that pizza ordered!" She shoved him gently and walked next door to her room.  Closing the door behind her, she leant against it and let out a huge whoosh of excitement and nerves. Was she REALLY doing this? What if he was disappointed? What if he'd changed his mind? What if she stopped overthinking things and had a shower?

With a grin and a little happy dance, she put on her favourite playlist and did exactly that.  As the warm water flooded over her, she began to relax. Whatever happened next, she would never forget tonight. She had no inkling just what tonight would end up meaning - to them both.

Tom said goodbye to his final photo op fan and sat down with a resounding thump into the chair.  It had been a blast, the fans as always, great fun. He really did love this bit of the job. Without these dedicated people, he would have none of the rest of it. Spending a few hours out his life seemed a small price to pay to give them something back.  Some had been painfully shy, some had been a tad over excited and one or two just stood mute.

Each got the same care and attention, coming away feeling they were really important to him.  They were, but not, it had to be said as important to him as one particular person.  She had surprised him by turning up in full Cosplay looking stunning.

Her face had lit up when she saw him and his heart had lurched when she'd asked him to kneel. He would have quite happily stayed on his knees for her if she had asked. When he put his arms around her, he knew there was something really special about her. It felt so right, so natural. And then there was the kiss. His mind had screamed at him he needed to make her see what he felt, his heart told him she might already. His kiss confirmed it.

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