The Sorting Ceremony

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Getting off the train was hell. I couldn't see my brother or anyone I knew. But 1st years were told to follow the tall man with a lantern. We all shuffled into the boats. Making our way through the black lake we saw Hogwarts. It was gorgeous. Huge, fluttering with life, It was like a dream. We walked up the steps of the castle and was met by a tall woman wearing emerald green robes. "Welcome to Hogwarts. But before we can let you in you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin The sorting ceremony will be starting shortly." Said the Professor I was closer to the back because I didn't want to get in anyone's way. When the same Malfoy boy went up to my brothers friend. "So it's true, what there saying in the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." I had no idea he was Harry Potter. They argued for a few minutes until Professor McGonagall came back. "We're ready for you now." We started walking into the great hall. It was beautiful, huge, and the roof looked like night sky. I was anxious and looking for the rest of my brothers. I easily spotted among the other Gryffindor's. We stoped walking when we got to the stage. Professor Dumbledore said a few words then let us start the sorting. Ron was called first "Ah! Another Weasley I know just where to put you. Gryffindor!" Called the hat. Susan bones, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter ..... That's where I quit listening. I tuned back in once they called my name. There was 4 people left. I walked up to the podium and the hat was placed on my head. "Another Weasley. But your different, You are tricky, clever, yet kind. Plenty of courage. Better be Slytherin!" Yelled the hat. My hearts dropped to the floor. I sat there frozen. My entire family staring at me in shock some in horror. I walked toward the end of the Slytherin table where the least people were. They all dying me intensely. I felt like my head was spinning. I couldn't breath. I couldn't hear what professor Dumbledore was saying but the food had come out and everyone starting eating. I was to sick to eat so I didn't.

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