The talk.

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"We need to have a talk. meet me in the garden." She said it as she was walking out of my room. My heat was spinning in my stomach.
I stepped outside to see Mum, Dad, and Ron standing there. "You wanted to talk?" I asked. "Yes. We need to discuss you school year." Dad replied. "What about it?" I asked. " Ron is saying you were bullying him and his friends. Hanging out with other Slytherins, making bad Choices." Mum said. "What!? That's the complete opposite! I never talked to Ron the whole year. I never hung out the the Slytherins! And I Ended with all A's!" I shot back. "Don't you yell at me!" Yelled Mum. "He's lying! He's the one who got in trouble! Lost house points! Almost killed a dude!" I yelled back. "Your grounded." Dad said. "For what! Being in Slytherin! It's not my fault that dumb hat put me in the house!" I yelled. "No for hurting your brother." Dad said calmly. "I never wanted to be in the house! Everyone's awful! I get bullied ever single day by Malfoy and his little gang." I yelled at them. "Nobody cared to send me an owl! Nobody wanted to ask, Hey how are you doing?" You didn't even engage my existence at school!!" You didn't care about how I felt. Or how I was doing in school!" You we're happier with me gone!" I screamed. "Go to your room. Now. And don't Come down for dinner." Mum yelled at me. I was pissed off to say the least. I went to my room crying. Nobody cared to come check on me. Nobody.

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