Entry 7: Michael

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Beatitudinem, noun: Happiness, joy

When I brushed beside Calum to go into the bathroom, the weirdest, nicest feeling overcame me. Must be from getting my tattoo? I only got it for a brief second. I got into the bathroom that night and looked at my tear stained eyes. I looked like a train wreck. I looked down to see a black music note in my wrist.

All that pain for this small of a tattoo? Jeez, whoever puts these things here really wants us to get the idea that they are there. It wasn't swollen or red anymore at least. I was so happy. I didn't have another thing to get picked on for. At least I didn't get a stupid one like a swirl or something.

Music actually meant something to me. Apparently my soulmate too. Cause Ashton and Luke both got a small paintbrush and they're into the artsy stuff. I'll have to ask them tomorrow about finding my soulmate and how this stuff works. I went out and thought I would just go to sleep, but the rest of the guys were already up, asking if I got it yet. Should've known.

Tattoo {Malum AU/Soulmate}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora