Entry 11:Calum

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Today, I asked Michael if he would be my boyfriend. It had been two weeks and every time we touched it felt like I had just or.gasmed in 10 seconds. Weird to feel, I know. But that's besides the point.
I had Michael come to my first game of the season. During half-time, I took him behind the bleachers and had set up a radio playing music softly. I didn't really know what to do, so I just asked. And he said yes! I was really happy, but pouted when he made fun of me for being suprised.
I said I would always be suprised when someone as beautiful as Michael would be mine, he just blushed and playfully shoved me, telling me to shut up. I said fine, I'll shut up and pressed my lips to his.
Neither of us were experienced, so it was a bit sloppy. But we pulled apart and he hugged me before the horn blared for me to join the game.
Let's just say, I won the game.

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