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Tzuyu and y/n came to know that they are roommates too they were happy . next day they both joined their college

Eunwoo POV

I woke up by my so called alarm , I went downstairs after my morning routine , and I saw the mon- I mean Kim taehyung was sitting and eating breakfast to be honest I sm scared from him idk why

Eunwoo : good morning ! Tae

Taehyung : morning

Eunwoo : how was ur sleep * he said in a teasing way cuz he know tae didn't slept whole night *

Taehyung : * glared him * doesn't matter and yeh don't bother me !* cold voice *

They both done their breakfast and left for college


Y/n : tzuyu I am nervous what will happen

Tzuyu : don't be everything will be alright

We both got our time table and luck our first class is same

Taehyung POV

Again this boring class I am so done , I started to look outside from window again same thoughts were messing with my head that why I am like this ...

Sir : class we have two new students in our class , please introduce yourselves

Y/n : hey , I am park y/n hope we get along

Tzuyu : hi ! I am choi tzuyu nice to meet you all

Sir : tzuyu you go and sit with Kevin and y/n you go and sit with umm taehyung

Taehyung : * I was in my own thoughts when I heard someone calling my name I look in front and saw a gurl standing with professor * yes sir ?

Sir : taehyung she is new student hope you behave

Taehyung * rolled eyes * yes sir


When professor told me to sit with taehyung I saw a handsome boy in front of me but he was in his own world when professor call him again he looked at us and damn he is super handsome and suddenly he said yes sir and his deep voice just gave me chills . I sit with him

Y/n :hey , I am y/n

Taehyung : not interested

Y/n : * wth did he just said he is not interested to talk with me how rude but I just ignored and start to focus on my lecture *

Time skip ....

Y/n : it was so boring day aish and the worst part my seatmate is a coldass

Tzuyu :y/n! Let's go for lunch

Y/n: yep let's go I am super hungry

Y/n and tzuyu both were about to go for lunch when someone call them and they both turned around and saw 3 persons were standing with the wide smile on their faces

Y/n : yes ?

???: you both are new here right ?

Y/n: yes we are

?? : oh great myself yura and they both are my best friends

Jackson : heyo I am Jackson

Taeyeon : hey I am taeyeon

Y/n : nice to meet you all

Yura : same y/n so let's go for lunch

These five became really good friends yura , Jackson and taeyeon these three are really friendly and cool

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