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                                Y/n pov

I was waiting for tae in a cafe he was late i was watching here and there when i saw Jackson coming to me

Jackson : i have something important to tell you

Y/n : calm down and tell

Jackson : not here come with me * he dragged me with him *

                              Time skip
We stopped in front of a old building i look at jackson and saw him getting out from car i also follow him and asked

Y/n : where are we ?

Jackson : lets go inside

I followed him when we came on 6th floor i saw someone on chair with ropes and it was non other than Taehyung !

I saw Jackson smirking while watching tae in the condition

Y/n : Jackson what is happening here

Jackson : calm down baby girl i have more surprises

And than i saw eunwoo and tzuyu also with ropes

Y/n : tzuyu ! Eunwoo !

Jackson : you liked it didn't you ? *smirk*

Y/n : how can u do this * i yelled *

Jackson : don't yell baby , and i will tell you everything but first let them wake up

Few mans in back suits throw water on them and they all woke up

Jackson : good morning guys welcome to this drama * he said in sarcastic tone * well lemme tell you a story "story of a monster "

Taehyung : how dare you to kidnap me !

Jackson : cool down mr kim taehyung otherwise your inner monster will be active , i guess you didn't told your girlfriend about it right ?

Y/n was confused

Y/n : tell what ?

Jackson : i guess he didn't well i will tell you by myself

Taehyung : don't you dare jackson *dead  glare *

Jackson : i will kim taehyung so the reality of kim taehyung world know him as the only heir of kim industries but in reality he is a Monster
A wild monster who can kill anyone without any mercy

Y/n and tzuyu was shocked while eunwoo was worried and taehyung was angry

Y/n : w-what

Jackson : yes he is not human he is monster his father was monster too but he fell for human they both marry and kim taehyung born who is more dangerous than his father and guess what now he also fell for a human so y/n your future kids will be monster too *wink*

Y/n : you are lying its not true right taehyung ?

She asked hoping he will say that its a lie but taehyung didn't spoke anything ..

Monster Where stories live. Discover now