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When Kim Roksu picked up a recruitment flyer on the ground that said:


iring For An Accountant!

• If you have the qualifications of one, you will be immediately hired on the spot!
• Whether you have experience or not doesn't matter as long as you get the job done!
• Housing and daily necessities are freely provided by our honest and respected company!
• You are required to work on weekdays and weekends with only two days off a month. Don't worry though, you'll be paid generously for your hard work!
• Said salary will be further discussed either personally or over the phone.

With that said, if you are interested, please contact: 1108-XXX-5688

What are you waiting for? Be part of the venerated Universal Aspects and be an elite member!

For further details, please email: universalaspects_humanresourcedepartment@communicationorb.lcf


He didn't think of much of it aside from deducing that it was a scam.

Then with only a month left until his graduation, he found himself suspiciously evicted from his apartment.

'Housing and daily necessities are freely provided—'

Well then, he can just call them and find out whether they're a scam or not. If yes, might as well out-scam and loot them before pointing the police at them.

If not, then it's a win-win because they'll get themselves an accountant while Kim Roksu will get to have free things.

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