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[NAME] sat in one of the chairs in her sitting room while talking to a few business partners. They discussed a few ideas for their future plans. [NAME] really didn't want to be there but was forced on her own will by her maids as they had dragged her out of her bed and into her clothes, so she was stuck there.

She let a groan of boredom, as everyone looked at her for her input on the idea. "I think that this idea will not get us to where we want to be. There are quite a few problems with this that I think are wrong." She said looking at the people in the room. Her business partners consist of men and women.

"Well, what do you think is wrong with this lady [NAME]." One of the other women spoke as she had a fan covering the lower half of her face and all was left to see were her eyes. "I think whoever came up with this plan should go back to their office and figure out where they are going to get the money from to build something that is nearly the height of the imperial empire."

"I will not waste my money on something that will be used in one night. Is that understood?" [NAME] gave them all a glare. They all gave her a nod before she fixed her posture she was slacking because of how bored she had become. "You are all dismissed." As soon as she said that they all left quickly.

She let out a sigh wants they left the room and they leaned back into the chair. "Mary can you get me a glass of wine." The maid that was standing next to [NAME] went to get the wine that she was told to get.

The maid arrived back at [NAME] side with the wine and poured her a glass before handing it to her. [NAME] took a small sip of it before picking up a newspaper that was on the center table.

"My lady is there anything else you need before I attend to my next assignment." The maid asks [NAME]. She waved the maid off.

As she read about the newspaper she saw something of the head caption about Henry and Navier being seen together. She smiled before tossing it back on the center table.

She got up from her seat before leaving the room. She walked down the hall as she heard whispering. "Why are you whispering? Get back to work you two." The two maids turned to see the person that they served staring at them as they were talking about something.

They were quite afraid so they parted ways and got back to work. [NAME] sighed before continuing her journey to her room. "My lady!" She someone shout for her.

She had turned to see that it was your lady in waiting running up to you in a hurry. "My lady you have a letter !" You took the letter out of her hand quickly.

You walked down to your office which was near. You lady in waiting followed after you. "Also one of the maids was found with a scar on her eye she is currently getting it treated." You nodded as you reached your office.

You walked in closing the door behind your lady in waiting. You sat down behind your desk. While your lady-in-waiting stood beside you to look at the letter.


Hi...how are y'all doing

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